I think RBG was a fine person, fought for what she believed in, and had a great friendship with Scalia that showed that even at the tip-top of intellectual battlegrounds there was cause for celebrating friendship. I certainly can see where she broke barriers for women, and even though i disagree with her i recognize her impact on the United States.
I think the problem has been with the absolute cult-like veneration of her the last 8 or so years where she has become a diety figure. Well, with someone that old, hysterics and dispair were the only logical outcomes at her passing by those who revered her.
It was less about celebrating her achievements for women and more about how she was somehow a super woman holding back the tide of chauvinism and the only one who could save women from becoming quaker handmaidens again.
I do feel that there should be no changes to the appointment process. Seeing the crazy hysterics and screaming that Trump has the chance to appoint three justices is "crazy" and that they shouldnt have life terms is bad criticism. The ability to serve the highest court of the land and never have to worry about falling back and pandering to interest groups to get re-elected is one of the best checks and balances that remain untouched in our government.
I think the problem has been with the absolute cult-like veneration of her the last 8 or so years where she has become a diety figure. Well, with someone that old, hysterics and dispair were the only logical outcomes at her passing by those who revered her.
It was less about celebrating her achievements for women and more about how she was somehow a super woman holding back the tide of chauvinism and the only one who could save women from becoming quaker handmaidens again.
I do feel that there should be no changes to the appointment process. Seeing the crazy hysterics and screaming that Trump has the chance to appoint three justices is "crazy" and that they shouldnt have life terms is bad criticism. The ability to serve the highest court of the land and never have to worry about falling back and pandering to interest groups to get re-elected is one of the best checks and balances that remain untouched in our government.