Originally posted by Sgt Beavis
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As far as the younger generation it is hit and miss with them on severity. Last week I get called to ICU to setup a Final Visit so I head up with our iPad cart. As I walk in you see staff around the room so I step to the side and start setting up the meeting. I hear them say it is going to be family on the call and the Chaplin will be on as well to perform the last rites. I am vaguely listening when I hear them say that it is the dad and someone will be going in to the with the patient as they take them off life support, not uncommon during this as all of the COVID deaths in our county have been the elderly. Wasn't till I saw the man putting on PPE to enter the room that I realize he is the dad, the patient is the son. He was in his 20s, no underlying health conditions.