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Are you worried about sending your kids to school this year?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by krazy kris View Post
    I will not put my kids through that shit show if the CDC guidelines stay the same. The kids have to go to 1 classroom the entire day, they eat there, they don't get to go to the gym or recess, they have to wear masks, when it's time for them to go home you have to stagger your pick ups or if they ride the bus it's 1 child to a seat with an empty seat between them. I will home school them again weather it's an option through the school or not.
    If you can that's cool... but between work and the kids school, it's too much for me. Besides, when they were "school from home" they didn't go anywhere anyway so it was kinda the same story. At least they will get to be with their friends, which IMO is a good thing, but to each their own.
    Originally posted by stevo
    Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.



    • #17
      Originally posted by krazy kris View Post
      I will not put my kids through that shit show if the CDC guidelines stay the same. The kids have to go to 1 classroom the entire day, they eat there, they don't get to go to the gym or recess, they have to wear masks, when it's time for them to go home you have to stagger your pick ups or if they ride the bus it's 1 child to a seat with an empty seat between them. I will home school them again weather it's an option through the school or not.
      My exact thoughts.


      • #18
        IF, and that’s a huge IF, schools open they won’t make it a month before they are shut down. It is fucking ignorant to think they will. First kid/staff that tests positive will shut the entire school down due to contact tracing.


        • #19
          upload photos online


          • #20
            Originally posted by Chopped54 View Post
            Man maybe I am just fucking retarded but I can not find anything on those links that supports that. What I am finding is a case mortality rate for influenza is under 1% vs 4.8% with Covid.
            Using your data and assuming it's accurate (as I still think COVID deaths are inflated), 0.03% of kids 5-17 is the rate. We're going to shutdown school for 99.97% of kids because of that? STFU and let the kids go back to school. The impact of keeping them at home is far worse. That mess lasted 4 or 5 weeks in my neighborhood before every kid was going in and out of doors up and down the street with their friends, hanging out fishing together, then it was driveway parties. We need to move on in a big way. Old people can stay home and draw their checks...


            • #21
              Originally posted by juiceweezl View Post
              Using your data and assuming it's accurate (as I still think COVID deaths are inflated), 0.03% of kids 5-17 is the rate. We're going to shutdown school for 99.97% of kids because of that? STFU and let the kids go back to school. The impact of keeping them at home is far worse. That mess lasted 4 or 5 weeks in my neighborhood before every kid was going in and out of doors up and down the street with their friends, hanging out fishing together, then it was driveway parties. We need to move on in a big way. Old people can stay home and draw their checks...
              It has nothing to do with it affecting kids, it has to do with the kids that aren't affected spreading this shit everywhere. When we locked down in March I told my wife they wouldn't go back to school before Christmas. If they go back in August school will be shut down by end of September and won't open back up till after the new year anyway. Smaller districts, in cities that are no where near as bad as DFW, have already announced that they will be virtual, Dallas just hasn't had the balls to call it yet, if they have any common fucking sense left.....

              And that chart is fatality rate, not infection rate which is the number that needs to be looked at right now.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Chopped54 View Post
                It has nothing to do with it affecting kids, it has to do with the kids that aren't affected spreading this shit everywhere. When we locked down in March I told my wife they wouldn't go back to school before Christmas. If they go back in August school will be shut down by end of September and won't open back up till after the new year anyway. Smaller districts, in cities that are no where near as bad as DFW, have already announced that they will be virtual, Dallas just hasn't had the balls to call it yet, if they have any common fucking sense left.....

                And that chart is fatality rate, not infection rate which is the number that needs to be looked at right now.
                Please put down the Kool Aid. This is all BS and will leave the room like a stale fart once the election is over. You’re being played by a party and media that have no plans, but they want your votes.


                • #23
                  There is a video I'll see if I can find. I seen it on Facebook it's the director of public health and she was asked about a teenage girl that died from covid. She said she didn't have her specific file at hand but she did say and gave the definition of a covid death as any person that has covid in their system at the time of death is considered a covid death. She gave 2 examples.
                  1 being if someone was on hospice and only given a couple weeks to live and contracted covid durring that couple weeks before death would be classified as a covid death.
                  2 "even if you died from a clear alternate cause it would still count as a covid death."


                  • #24
                    Here you go-

                    Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
                    Please put down the Kool Aid. This is all BS and will leave the room like a stale fart once the election is over. You’re being played by a party and media that have no plans, but they want your votes.
                    I work at the hosptial, I know better, I see this shit daily. It is funny that people believe a virus that ravaged the world is all a liberal conspiracy....
                    I do believe it is politicized, but unfortunately I live the reality of COVID daily.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by ColonelAngus View Post
                      This is from Johns Hopkins -

                      COVID-19: There have been approximately 549,900 deaths reported worldwide. In the U.S, 132,309 people have died of COVID-19, as of July 9, 2020.*

                      Flu: The World Health Organization estimates that 290,000 to 650,000 people die of flu-related causes every year worldwide.

                      In the U.S., from Oct. 1, 2019 – Apr. 4, 2020, the CDC estimates that 24,000 to 62,000 people died from the flu. (The CDC does not know the exact number because the flu is not a reportable disease in most parts of the U.S.)

                      The COVID-19 situation is changing rapidly. Since this disease is caused by a new virus, people do not have immunity to it, and a vaccine may be many months away. Doctors and scientists are working to estimate the mortality rate of COVID-19, but at present, it is thought to be substantially higher than that of most strains of the flu.
                      Here's another correlation that doesn't seem to get talked about at all, flu deaths are at below half of the low estimate for the 6 month period that encompasses most of the flu season months. Logic tells me that anyone to immunocompromised to have died from the flu, would also be highly likely to die from covid-19, and probably caught Corona first (or had both, and was diagnosed with Corona). Conversely, how many Covid-19 deaths were people that were probably going to die of other causes/complications this year or next?

                      I fully believe that the media is intentionally focusing on the total death rate, and total cases above all else, because at this point in time the current death rate, or even current daily deaths isn't salacious enough to be printed. Whether or not government agencies are intentionally capitalizing on this for political gain is a separate discussion altogether. That aside, we are not being given a true picture of how dangerous (or not) Covid-19 has turned out to be, if for no other reason that the top agencies don't want to have to admit that they got it at all wrong.

                      I have family that has been seriously impacted by the medical fall out of contracting Corona (decreased lung capacity for one), so I understand that it's a very real and new disease, but I don't think that the scale of our response matches the true nature of the disease, when you look at the the big picture, and not focus on the much smaller percentage of bad outcomes.

                      That said, I'm thankful that my 4 year old isn't headed to school this year, and my step-daughter will be attending her first semester of college 100% online, but I do have grave concerns about the long-term impact of all of this.


                      • #26
                        here in erath county we have a total of 200 reported cases with 12 in the hospital . one death . you travel around stevenville or granbury you will see very few mask and business as usual . the numbers show mostly college age kids and their parents . the truth is testing has gone way up so the cases also follow.
                        if it's on msm i ignore it .


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by bubbaearl View Post
                          here in erath county we have a total of 200 reported cases with 12 in the hospital . one death . you travel around stevenville or granbury you will see very few mask and business as usual . the numbers show mostly college age kids and their parents . the truth is testing has gone way up so the cases also follow.
                          if it's on msm i ignore it .
                          And that is another narrative that is pushed, increased testing = more positives. While of course that is true, BUT if things were truly getting better the percentage of positives would be going down, not up.
                          If you look at the infection rate, which is in direct correlation with testing/results, it is going up. THIS is the number we should be focused on and worried about.
                          In May if you tested 1000 people you would have 30 positive test results, now you test 1000 people 150 will come back positive.


                          • #28
                            I’m probably going to put my son back in school. Folks in Colorado have been pretty good with the mask and distancing thing. We’re seeing a rise in cases, but it’s only a hundred or so more a day. I’m speculating that another factor in our low case rise might be that people spend much of their time outdoors when they’re away from home. Folks here don’t tend to gather at indoor spaces with air conditioning as much as other places.

                            Anyways, constantly dealing with an autistic child over the last several months (with no break) has been a real mental strain on me and the wife. We NEED school.. haha


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Chopped54 View Post
                              And that is another narrative that is pushed, increased testing = more positives. While of course that is true, BUT if things were truly getting better the percentage of positives would be going down, not up.
                              If you look at the infection rate, which is in direct correlation with testing/results, it is going up. THIS is the number we should be focused on and worried about.
                              In May if you tested 1000 people you would have 30 positive test results, now you test 1000 people 150 will come back positive.
                              Additionally, the vast majority of the new cases have been younger people. Lots of Gen Z’ers. On one hand, that is pushing the death rate down but on the other hand it is causing a lot of hospitals to be flooded with cases. That’s why we’re hearing stories of ICUs being pushed beyond capacity. This is one reason we’re hearing stories that the death rate may soon rise a lot. I’m hoping that isn’t the case.

                              The bigger fear here is that these young folks are going to pass this off to the elderly. I’ve got my fingers crossed that older folks are still keeping themselves isolated for their own protection.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Chopped54 View Post
                                Here you go-

                                I work at the hosptial, I know better, I see this shit daily. It is funny that people believe a virus that ravaged the world is all a liberal conspiracy....
                                I do believe it is politicized, but unfortunately I live the reality of COVID daily.
                                I have plenty of family and friends that work in the medical field. I also have the pediatrics association saying all kids should return to school. I never said it was a "liberal conspiracy." Your assumption on that point shows I hit a nerve and there is some truth to what I am saying. What I said is this is a crisis being taken advantage of by politicians. That is nothing new.

                                Also anyone above shoe size IQ knows a virus cannot be "cured," which makes all of this behavior even more suspicious. A virus is gonna virus.

                                Since you work in a hospital and know everything, please tell me when you are going to roll out the cure for the common cold, common flu, and then I will listen to you about doing all this BS to wait for the Covid cure.

