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I know another oil thread.

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  • I know another oil thread.

    What is it really going to take for us to get away from it.

    Guy was bitching on another site about prices. My thaught on all the hybrid shit this and that. corn, and so on. There is shit out there that would and could work.

    With the control of the shit we will be on the Tit until its all dry. Ill be dead.

  • #2
    Well the way I see it.....

    Ethanol = high food prices
    Plug in electric = already had rolling outages due to over usage before plug in cars are popular so it would be really bad when you have no A/C at home and no volts to get to work!



    • #3
      Converting 18 wheelers to LNG reducing OPEC oil use by half is a big start. UPS just announced that they will be starting the transition to LNG on OTR trucks running in western states. This will help quite a bit.


      • #4
        Our oil production was maxed out in 1979. Every since then, we've been in decline. The earth's resources are running out. More drilling isn't going to solve anything in the long run.
        Token Split Tail

        Originally posted by slow99 favorite female poster strikes again.
        Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
        You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Leah View Post
          Our oil production was maxed out in 1979. Every since then, we've been in decline. The earth's resources are running out. More drilling isn't going to solve anything in the long run.
          Not really, lots of new discoveries combined with new frac technology that could make a big difference.


          • #6
            I won't even comment on leah's post, since GrayStangGT already covered it, but i will comment on the Ethanol

            How will corn based Ethanol raise food prices? We already subsidise corn. Let them use it for fuel, and then maybe the farmers can actually make a living without being subsidised.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Silverback View Post
              I won't even comment on leah's post, since GrayStangGT already covered it, but i will comment on the Ethanol

              How will corn based Ethanol raise food prices? We already subsidise corn. Let them use it for fuel, and then maybe the farmers can actually make a living without being subsidised.
              Increase in corn demand = more farmers growing corn which equals less farmers growing other crops which = less production of other crops which = higher prices of other crops. Higher prices of all other crops = higher prices of foods, pretty simple.

              Originally posted by SSMAN
              ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


              • #8
                Shit, y'all. Oil isn't just a fuel. Plastics, lubricants, paints, detergents, fertilizers, rubber, fibers, medicines, etc.

                The world we've built has been built around petrochemicals.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by stevo View Post
                  Increase in corn demand = more farmers growing corn which equals less farmers growing other crops which = less production of other crops which = higher prices of other crops. Higher prices of all other crops = higher prices of foods, pretty simple.

                  Lets not forget corn is used as a food supply for many other animals so higher prices there also.
                  Whos your Daddy?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Silverback View Post
                    I won't even comment on leah's post, since GrayStangGT already covered it, but i will comment on the Ethanol

                    How will corn based Ethanol raise food prices? We already subsidise corn. Let them use it for fuel, and then maybe the farmers can actually make a living without being subsidised.
                    Farmers are choosing to grow corn because there's more money in it (with the demand+subsidies) and causing a shortage of all the other foods. With the price of corn skyrocketing, anything alive that relies on corn-based feed (like cattle/beef) increases in price. It's a really nasty daisy-chain...


                    • #11
                      Start walking and riding your bike more often. Oil will stay high because of speculators and greed, not because of supply and demand. Perfect example is whats going on in Libya. There was no reason for gas to jump 21 cents in less than 48 hours mid week.


                      • #12
                        there are many ways to get away from using oil for transportation, but it seems that everytime someone comes up with a good idea they get bought out or killed. The world governments do not want us to stop using oil. Who was the guy that supposdly got poisoned at a restaurant? He had come up with a badass hydrogen generator

