First post was sarcasm you didn’t get it. Obviously you still don’t. My critical thinking is not welcome here. I get it. Stay Free everybody
Why is everything an either/or proposition with you? At what point did you lay down your cards and let anyone else see your... "critical" thinking? It has always just been "I know things no one else does, listen to me, no one else knows what is going on. I know people" You don't see how that is problematic, and absurd?
I think it was on here that someone posted a foxnews link that had 2 doctors on and they were saying all his patients that had it that had a bmi over 30 was pretty bad and diabetes and pre diabetes make it even worse. In the same interview they called out a drug called hydroxychlorine (sp) that was making great strides at treating the corona but a major side effect was it could mess with the ticker so patients had to have regularly scheduled EKGs. They said that a lot of doctors and nurses are taking it daily that have to treat these infected patients.
One of the main infectious disease guys. 78 old folks with heart problems and Covid 19. 77 snapped back no problems one needed a breather. They have been passing that shit out in the military since like WW 2 or Nam or something. Some one is over blowing the heart problem issue. There have been many doctors/nurses/their families taking it to stay healthy. People take it for lots of other shit also on the regular. They need to get that shit to the critically ill. Also blood from people that have healed from it is apparently working wonders. Last but least the guy that was actually on the show pandemic has figured out a vaccine. This is why we needed to slow it down to get the stuff that works out there before a million people have it. They may be over blowing the doom and gloom stories but people are dumb enough to have this shit and just go out like no big deal. Had everyone just carried on as usual this would be a mess of epic portions. Last year the kids in school would find out a kid had the flu and literally they were licking each other on the face so they could stay home. These kids are fucking stupid sometimes and schools would have been spreading this like gang busters. I am convinced if everyone in the country would wear a mask, cover their hands and wash up after going out this would die down quickly, and we could roll out what works, and get this country rolling again.
I will say this though, we all know the stock market was bullshit anyways, this gives them an excuse for the correction that was coming sooner or later.
Researchers in Australia report that Ivermectin, an FDA-approved drug commonly used to treat parasites, appears to be effective in treating the SARS-COV-2 coronavirus (COVID-19).
So you're basing it on people you see in public, instead of multiple news publications covering it nationally/globally?
I was in Arkansas last weekend.
Going there again this coming weekend.
I'm living life. I've got a good friend in the Philippines. He's doing good. I don't read very well and my TV is broke.
Going there again this coming weekend.
I'm living life. I've got a good friend in the Philippines. He's doing good. I don't read very well and my TV is broke.