There is no conspiracy here, just dumbasses trying to throw blame around. If anyone is to blame it's China's piss poor version of the USDA or FDA that allows a place like the food market in Wuhan to operate. If you are gonna eat raw unsanitary crap, this is the kind of thing that will happen.
In typical asian fashion, those fuckers will eat anything. Anything. Once they busted a boat of skinned aardvarks headed to china. Fucking dumbasses
So you have to have a paper from Homeland Security stating your an Essential part of vital infrastructure. They are making this shit up as they go it seems!
Or just a letter from the local gov't like the one I have...
My theory is that, after failing to get Trump ousted and seeing a sure defeat in November, the deep state pulled out their ace card, released the virus into the wild in China, knowing that China would get the blame. Then, to insure it made it to the US, they strategically placed sick people here, including in the govt so that hopefully the virus would infect and take down Trump, the Rep Senate, or both. At the same time, they wanted to destroy the economy in an election year (which is what has been warned for the last 3 years) and ruin Trump's re-election chances. All of this happening at the perfect time is too strange to be a coincidence. As a bonus, if they could crash our economy and make people feel the fear and pain of no jobs, food or future, it might convince people that socialism is a good idea afterall. Of course, the is just my mind wondering...
Where does it say that you need a government letter to go to work? My drive from Wylie to Addison today seemed basically the same as far as who was open.
Who's got 'em. I know some of yall have been thinking it. ... The government released this virus! So they can take control!!
authors of the new research looked at two components of spike proteins: the receptor-binding domain, which latches onto healthy host cells, and the cleavage site, which opens up the virus and allows it to penetrate the host cell.
To bind to human cells, spike proteins need a receptor on human cells called angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2).
The scientists found that the receptor-binding domain of the spike protein had evolved to target ACE2 so effectively that it could only have been the result of natural selection and not of genetic engineering.
Furthermore, the molecular structure of the backbone of SARS-CoV-2 supported this finding. If scientists had engineered the new coronavirus purposely as a pathogen, explain the researchers, the starting point would likely have been the backbone of another virus in the coronavirus family.
However, the backbone of SARS-CoV-2 was very different than those of other coronaviruses and was most similar to related viruses in bats and pangolins.
“These two features of the virus — the mutations in the RBD portion of the spike protein and its distinct backbone — rule out laboratory manipulation as a potential origin for SARS-CoV-2,” explains Andersen.
“By comparing the available genome sequence data for known coronavirus strains, we can firmly determine that SARS-CoV-2 originated through natural processes.”
SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19, is the result of natural evolution, a study shows, 'ending any speculation about deliberate genetic engineering.'
Or just a letter from the local gov't like the one I have...
This is nothing new. When I worked in Austin we got a similar letter stating that as railroad employees we were critical infrastructure for shipping of emergency supplies and given an exemption at road blocks, checkpoints etc during a hurricane. We were given an exemption letter today where I work (BNSF). I've been at the hospital on and off since 1:30am dealing with my father who drove himself to the hospital with chest pains. The hospital was locked down at 7pm tonight and me and my sister were told that we were the last visitors at the hospital for the foreseeable future (Charleton Methodist). His nurse told me they have multiple Covid-19 patients and are running out of supplies. This just hit home for me. My father is in the hospital for basically congestive heart failure and we were told we cannot visit him anymore until this Virus situation gets better...or until he becomes critical. I'm not in a real good place right now.
Man, a lot of y'all still aren't taking the ramifications seriously.
Here I'll give you a serious stat from my state which is pretty high up on infections. 853 infections, 3 dead. That's less than half of a percent. And that is just cases that have been reported! Like people saying, "I'm sick as fuck I think I have this!" This doesn't count the people who have little or no symptoms at all, so it would be even less than that. How's that for a sample size. I'm worried about the Economy and them letting assholes in prison out more than the fucking disease.
853 infections, 3 dead. That's less than half of a percent.
I'm not a statistician, but I don't think they should use those numbers to calculate the mortality rate because we don't know the fate of the infected ones yet. Will they recover or die?
This is nothing new. When I worked in Austin we got a similar letter stating that as railroad employees we were critical infrastructure for shipping of emergency supplies and given an exemption at road blocks, checkpoints etc during a hurricane. We were given an exemption letter today where I work (BNSF). I've been at the hospital on and off since 1:30am dealing with my father who drove himself to the hospital with chest pains. The hospital was locked down at 7pm tonight and me and my sister were told that we were the last visitors at the hospital for the foreseeable future (Charleton Methodist). His nurse told me they have multiple Covid-19 patients and are running out of supplies. This just hit home for me. My father is in the hospital for basically congestive heart failure and we were told we cannot visit him anymore until this Virus situation gets better...or until he becomes critical. I'm not in a real good place right now.
I'm not a statistician, but I don't think they should use those numbers to calculate the mortality rate because we don't know the fate of the infected ones yet. Will they recover or die?
Ok I agree with you, but I also throw in what I said earlier. What about the cases that don't get reported due to no or small symptoms not knowing they have it? Basically we are guns blazing based on shit stats, because the data is incomplete. And trust me, I am not downplaying this at all, I am just thinking we might be as a country uplaying it just a bit.