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Let's discuss college degrees

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  • Strychnine
    Since OP's gotten a ton of answers I feel free to hijack.
    Anyone gone back for another STEM degree after not doing higher math and other shitty things for 10+ years? I'm kicking around the idea of a MS Chemical Engineering or MS Chemistry (organic, directed toward renewable fuels and plastics), but I fucking hated calculus the first time around. Should I just satisfy myself with some MOOCs or the University of Youtube?

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  • Silverback
    Originally posted by jluv View Post
    You’re out of your mind.
    you could have just stopped there

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  • jluv
    Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
    iirc we were talking about jobs being phased out by automation or something."The robots are coming" and whatnot. Artificial General Intelligence is expected to exist somewhere around the end of the coming decade. So when that happens, there's going to be less doctors in the world. At least in the western world. Along with a lot of other professions are going to decline as well.

    All you really have to consider, is that an inexpensive computer can hold all of the medical knowledge that mankind has. Pair that with an AGI and you have a super doctor. That you can make a billion copies of.

    Is it going to pat you on the shoulder and say "There there, it'll be alright"? Probably not, but it'll tell you what's wrong with you with little (if any) error and it'll cut out all those 10's of thousands of yearly patient deaths due to malpractice. Just like self driving cars would cut out a shitload of deaths.
    You’re out of your mind. Even if something like this happens eventually, it definitely won’t be in the next 10 years.

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  • Gasser64
    Originally posted by jewozzy View Post
    Pretty sure he had a long thread a year or two ago about this same theory. Something about there are some computers that have performed flawless surgeries. I don't think it'll happen...
    iirc we were talking about jobs being phased out by automation or something."The robots are coming" and whatnot. Artificial General Intelligence is expected to exist somewhere around the end of the coming decade. So when that happens, there's going to be less doctors in the world. At least in the western world. Along with a lot of other professions are going to decline as well.

    All you really have to consider, is that an inexpensive computer can hold all of the medical knowledge that mankind has. Pair that with an AGI and you have a super doctor. That you can make a billion copies of.

    Is it going to pat you on the shoulder and say "There there, it'll be alright"? Probably not, but it'll tell you what's wrong with you with little (if any) error and it'll cut out all those 10's of thousands of yearly patient deaths due to malpractice. Just like self driving cars would cut out a shitload of deaths.

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  • jewozzy
    Originally posted by jluv View Post
    Doctors? That’s ridiculous. Please tell me where you’re getting that idea.
    Pretty sure he had a long thread a year or two ago about this same theory. Something about there are some computers that have performed flawless surgeries. I don't think it'll happen...

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  • jluv
    Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
    There's about to not be very many attorneys. 10 years from now, it looks like only the top 1% of attorneys in the world will be needed. Employment for them will take a hard nosedive over the next decade. Gonna be the same way for doctors too. And truckers. And a lot of other jobs.
    Doctors? That’s ridiculous. Please tell me where you’re getting that idea.

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  • black2002ls
    BS in Theoretical Physics

    I build new houses for a living and bounce from side hustle to side hustle.

    If I were going back for any kind of degree, as much as I would love to finish my engineering degree, I would most likely go the business route. I feel it offers the widest array of possibilities that can build on just about any background that you already have, or can take you into a field you want to break into.

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  • Trip McNeely
    Originally posted by Stephen View Post
    But Matt Damon in good will hunting did it!
    My boys wicked smaht!

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  • Stephen
    But Matt Damon in good will hunting did it!

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  • bcoop
    Originally posted by LS1Goat View Post
    He who represents himself has a fool for a client.
    When I was young and stupid enough to do so, I represented myself in a custody case. I would never, ever, ever do that again, nor would I recommend. I got fucking lucky, simple as that. That could have ended very, very badly for me.

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  • LS1Goat
    Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
    My take is that it's not going to work. Because you'll always have the right to represent yourself. The AGI is better at being a lawyer than any human could be. I can imagine just representing yourself, while wearing a bluetooth earpiece. Instant super lawyer. Sounds like sci fi but as we all know they're hard at work on this.
    He who represents himself has a fool for a client.

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  • Gasser64
    Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
    They have set up a system that isolates them from extinction - somewhat.
    My take is that it's not going to work. Because you'll always have the right to represent yourself. The AGI is better at being a lawyer than any human could be. I can imagine just representing yourself, while wearing a bluetooth earpiece. Instant super lawyer. Sounds like sci fi but as we all know they're hard at work on this.

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  • Sean88gt
    Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
    There's about to not be very many attorneys. 10 years from now, it looks like only the top 1% of attorneys in the world will be needed. Employment for them will take a hard nosedive over the next decade. Gonna be the same way for doctors too. And truckers. And a lot of other jobs.
    They have set up a system that isolates them from extinction - somewhat. People just don't value the practice in a lot of cases and attorneys have priced themselves out in others.

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  • Gasser64
    Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
    You'd be amazed how many attorneys are a bad day away from eating a bullet. Terrible business people on average. Terrible people skills as well. It is really an odd discipline and life to live. Substance abuse is really high, attrition rate is really high, and suicide rates are climbing.
    There's about to not be very many attorneys. 10 years from now, it looks like only the top 1% of attorneys in the world will be needed. Employment for them will take a hard nosedive over the next decade. Gonna be the same way for doctors too. And truckers. And a lot of other jobs.

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  • Sean88gt
    Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
    Yes, three partners, three associates. The partners bill $650 to $1,100 an hour. The top guy is a whiz at the sale of corporate entities but he can't retire because he has three do nothing kids who won't move away from home. He sent me his landscaping contract for his house once by accident and he pays $600 a month to have his lawn mowed. I wonder what the three do nothing kids are doing all day. That guy's life is messed up but he is a solid dude when it comes to legal work.

    Read the recent WSJ article about how much the partners made at Kirkland & Ellis last year. It is nuts. But all the big firms are fucking the partner system up. I would not do what Mr. Hong Kong does, that is nuts.
    You'd be amazed how many attorneys are a bad day away from eating a bullet. Terrible business people on average. Terrible people skills as well. It is really an odd discipline and life to live. Substance abuse is really high, attrition rate is really high, and suicide rates are climbing. I think Mr. Hong Kong pushed as hard as he did because he was Asian and had family pressure and it became the norm for him.

    Originally posted by Silverback View Post
    I would work backwards... decide on the Bachelors you want, and the school you plan to attend. Then contact them for their Community College transfer requirements. Most will give you a list of the exact classes from the exact school you are attending that will be able to be used as transfers.

    I chose Dallas County, and received an Associates of Science - Field of Study Business. Then I went to A&M Commerce and did their Bachelors of Applied Arts and Sciences - Business program, and followed that up with an MBA from A&M Corpus Christi. Every class I took was with the end goal of the MBA in mind. If it didn't count to the transfer to A&M Commerce's program and electives weren't business oriented, I didn't take it. I found an equivalent that met both the Associates and the Bachelor transfer requirements.
    That's a good plan as well. It will help drive focus because you're heading to an end goal.

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