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  • #46
    Originally posted by mardyn View Post

    I'm just saying there's more to the story... I don't know what it is, but there's more we're not allowed to know.

    Now this I agree with. I still want this Saudi connection to unravel more. There's some more to that onion. Unfortunately political connections and money are the drivers behind this and it's sick.


    • #47
      Originally posted by trip mcneely
      Originally posted by mardyn View Post
      i'm just saying there's more to the story... I don't know what it is, but there's more we're not allowed to know.
      now this i agree with. I still want this saudi conection to unravel more. There's some more to that onion. Unfortunately political connections and money are the drivers behind this and it's sick.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
        Now this I agree with. I still want this Saudi connection to unravel more. There's some more to that onion. Unfortunately political connections and money are the drivers behind this and it's sick.
        Abdullah Yusuf Azzam was a lecturer for years at King Abdulaziz University. He influenced many members of the house of Saud including Bin Laden himself. The royal family there is massive and they don't all agree on the same things. These relationships led to the formation of Al Qaeda which was funded with family money.

        Look at all of the political failures in 1979. The Iranian revolution, Russian occupation of Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia's seizure of the grand mosque in Mecca. It was a perfect environment for Islamic extremism to flourish. Combine that with the downfall of the Soviet Union and there wasn't anyone standing in their way, not officially at least. The Saudi's still had control though because they controlled their cash flow.

        This all changed when Sadam Hussein invaded Kuwait though. Al Qaeda wanted to fight him but the King decided to let the UN deal with it. This caused a rift within the family and government, Bin Laden and his fighters felt slighted and decided to go global with their terrorism. Some of the family still supported him though.


        • #49
          Had a buddy who was there and witnessed it all and said he is tired of being reminded of the worse day of his life. I guess it really messed with him. Very sad day in America.
          Originally posted by Da Prez
          Fuck dfwstangs!! If Jose ain't running it, I won't even bother going back to it, just my two cents!!
          Originally posted by VETTKLR

          Cliff Notes: I can beat the fuck out of a ZR1


          • #50
            Aside from the conspiracy bullshit, what I can't imagine is being in either building when it started to go. Especially those perhaps close to the bottom floor or elevator shaft or stairwell. Hearing the rumble and feeling the building shake from a distance and becoming more intense as it gets closer and not knowing exactly WTF is going on.
            This 911 call.... fuck.

            Went to the Flt. 93 memorial and highly recommend it for anyone in the general area. Along with the displays there are headsets where you can listen to VM's left when the plane was hijacked.


            • #51
              I spent 8 hours at the 911 memorial in NYC, it was very emotional for me. So sad to see all those innocent lives lost. My wife is from L.I. and her family was touched by this tragedy and it seemed that everywhere we went on the island we saw or heard of how widespread the people from this area were all touched by this...
              Originally posted by Silverback
              Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.

