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Who works from home?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Mysticcobrakilla View Post
    Working from home sounds like a dream come true for me... then again I’d get fired within a few weeks, I’d have one hell of a yard though!
    Yeah I think I'm one of those people that needs the structure of having to go in every day. Then again I had to do it for a week once and it seemed fine. I'd be willing to give it a go. What exactly do you guys do, that lets you work from home? Just out of curiosity. Only one I ever actually looked at was programming, where it seems a lot of those guys work from home as well.


    • #47
      I worked from home for over a decade, and it definitely takes a certain mental shift to be able to do so productively. This latest career change has me back in an office environment, and though I abhor driving in traffic, it's been a mostly positive experience. It's great to connect with others professionally, and breaks up the monotony and relative isolation that comes with working from home. Time will tell, but I also think that the visibility will be good for my career in the long term, and I'll likely have the opportunity to fire up the old home office again before too long. Not that I'm opposed to retiring from an office, we are investing $35MM to update the Las Colinas campus this fiscal, but my preference would be to WFH primarily, coming in when needed.

      TLDR; Both commuting to an office and WFH have their advantages, but the nod goes to WFH.

      Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk


      • #48
        Originally posted by 95DRGT View Post
        Been doing for last 19years-flexibility is the biggest thing for since I work to deadlines not an hourly gig. Only con was when my kids were younger and couldn’t grasp the concept I was working when they came in from school
        This is on the plus for the office gig, our son is 3, so not in school yet, and doesn't understand why daddy has to go work instead of playing with him. When I do WFH on occasion he makes it tough to stay focused.

        Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk


        • #49
          Yes, the kids constantly interrupting and or others in the house, is the one of the largest cons, IMO. We're building a barnominium and I'm gonna hafta have an office space I can lock myself into to prevent distractions.


          • #50
            My company hired me to move to the Mid South... and work remote as a regional Field Engineer... make day trips and some overnight travel to customers... Sometimes I am busy working long days, but on the average I am in my pajamas or running errands 3 days a week..

            I spent 6 weeks up in Zeeland, MI training and getting to know everyone and we all talk and have conference calls, etc.. but mostly I just take care of business as directed and am left alone otherwise, and I fucking love it.


            • #51
              Been doing it for almost 3 years now. The toughest part for me is dealing with distractions. It's hard to work when there is an F-35 blasting overhead in STOVL mode or when the dogs are barking at the Amazon van for the 3rd time today.

              Personally I have a TV on pretty much all day and usually it's on Fox News unless there is an auto auction or a baseball game on. I don't watch it really but it's more for background noise.

              The other problem that I can run into is random power and internet outages. You can't really control either but you need a backup plan because they do happen. I can't just run to the office and work since it's two hours away so I have a large battery backup that'll run my router, modem, phone and desk top for a couple of hours. After that I can use my laptop and a travel monitor and plug them into a jump box I have and it'll run for another 3-4 hours. As a last resort I've gone to the Flying Saucer and worked a few times. If the internet is down I have unlimited data on my phone and can fire up it's hot spot.


              • #52
                One of my kids told me a couple of years ago that I work too much - she was around 7 at the time. I explained to her that she thinks that because she actually sees me work during the day. That most dads (and a lot of moms) leave for work before their kids go to school and don't get home until dinner time. I reminded her how much she gets to see me during the day, how often I pick her up from school, come to all of her appointments, teacher conferences, lunch at school on occasion, and so on. She gets it now and has learned to love our setup, as do all of my other kids.

                I'm typing this AFTER walking each of my older three kids to their classes this morning on their first day back at school. THAT is why I work from home, among countless other less important reasons.


                • #53
                  That's a good way to put it man and good lesson for her.

