Back in the days when I used to enjoy taking my car(s) to the track, it was normally Northstar Dragway in Denton. Saturday all night Test 'N Tune. All concrete track with a long shut down compared to most 1/8th tracks. Good parking and concessions. The main complaint has always been the inconsistency with the prep. One weekend will be great and you can go the following weekend and you feel like you wasted your time and money from near non-existent prep. I've seen that track go through a few ownership changes in my day. Seen a lot of horrible pro mod accidents, but that's everywhere. Overall, I would recommend it for simply going out for the sole purpose of just collecting a couple of time slips and grab a hot dog. Go with a group of friends and make a night of it. They've raised the prices a bit over the recent years. I don't ever remember paying $35 though. I haven't been out since I took my '03GT Vert out there and collected a 7.70 time-slip and went home because it was packed, DA was terrible, and track prep was less than ideal. That was 6 or 7 years ago. Never took my GTO to the track. Didn't want to pay to find out what I already know.
Took mine out to Xtreme on a Saturday and had a good time. Was laid back and for a Saturday was not busy at all....
Been to Xtreme a few times to watch with my son. My fav track to watch a race now since Kennedale closed down.
Now to race....dunno. TNT cars seem to get to make many passes when its not a big race night. Race night they do pack in the different classes which is fun to watch.