See I never hardly have issues with Big Rigs in the fast lane.
It's just general idiot's.
My point exactly.
I just want to get down the road, at 70 ft long I cant speed up and move over. Drama adds stress and I don't need any extra. I will not move over tell I feel I can do so, Some times we get stuck out due to lanes running out or not knowing the roads or something. People have to remember most of the time the truck driver don't drive the same road every day it fresh new road for us sometimes.
When you sit out there with your signal on and just about when it is clear some one in a big hurry will whip out from my blind spot and try to pass me because they cant wait the 10 or 15 sec it will take me to make a safe lane change, or just sit on my tandems. Leaving me hanging out waiting again.
I have fun pissing of the keyboard Rambo's yanking there strings. As you can see from above post it was way to easy.
I'm not going to say there arnt any knuckle head truck drivers out there because that would be a lie.
80%+ of wrecks of cars and big trucks the car was at fault. Thats a proven fact.
If you hurry you will screw up, hence I don't hurry ever. Ant worth it plan and simple.
Yeah, and the speed limit is retardedly low, and you can't have radar detectors. Yay Virginia!
Well yeah there's always that, but VA cops are pretty lenient when it comes to speed on the freeways. I've received more speeding tickets while living in TX going 75mph than I have in VA.
I honestly don't see how ya'll can do that. I think of that a lot when I see so many inconsiderate people on the road and how ya'll still stay professional.
I usually take a long break once i start to get to where i get the GTFO the way attitude.
Glad to know our plan is working, not much you can do about it is there.
I dont drive that fast, use to much fuel. I stay aroung 62 to 65, higher fuel price makes me more money when I drive slow, Got to love the fuel surcharge based on 6 mpg when Im pulling 7.5 or better. Free money in my pocket.
Heres to hoping we see 5 or 6 bucks a gallon by summer.
You're a child. I hope that your rig has your corporate number on it, and that everyone that you pull your jake brake / downshift move on calls in and asks if that is behavior deemed appropriate by the company.
Well yeah there's always that, but VA cops are pretty lenient when it comes to speed on the freeways. I've received more speeding tickets while living in TX going 75mph than I have in VA.
I think it just makes people more paranoid that you're going to get caught, so you slow down.
Well yeah there's always that, but VA cops are pretty lenient when it comes to speed on the freeways. I've received more speeding tickets while living in TX going 75mph than I have in VA.
In a car maybe but big trucks are a blank check and with csa2010 even warning tickets are points on DL.
No problem,
one more with limited reading skills? If you wasn't breaking the law by tailgating there would be no chance of this happing would there?
I have over one million miles with no preventable so I must be doing something right.
I pay more in road and fuel tax's in a month than you make in a year so stay off my roads if you cant handle the heat.
You are just entertainment for my amusement during the day.
impeding traffic is also breaking the law, stupid fuck.
"It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."
impeding traffic is also breaking the law, stupid fuck.
If you rear end somebody you're pretty fucking hard pressed to prove it wasn't your fault. I actually asked a guy about that just this morning, he told me more or less unless the car that was hit was in reverse, it's going to be the other driver's fault. Just sayin'
Not always the case, if you can prove that the person in front of you brake checked you (such as a witness or dash cam), your insurance company can find full or partial responsibility on that driver.
Well yeah there's always that, but VA cops are pretty lenient when it comes to speed on the freeways. I've received more speeding tickets while living in TX going 75mph than I have in VA.
It must be a regional thing. PA Troopers are very lenient, and that's if you ever even see one. I also got pulled over leaving DC one day after being there over the 4th of July weekend. I was hauling ass on 495 because I was stuck behind slow ass Maryland drivers and a Trooper was entering on the highway as i blew past him in the right lane. He lit me up and i pulled right over. He gave me 4 warnings. lol. I still had my Tx plates too at that point. He did give me a ticket for no registration even after i explained that its on our windshield. I didn't argue.