Anyone else have their offspring in club sports? My daughter is playing Select Volleyball this year and man it is a time and money garbage disposal! $2300 fee for one season of play, $5 to $10 a ticket per parent to the tournaments per day to watch her play the sport I've already paid thousands for her to play. No outside food or drink allowed at the tournaments to make sure you use the concession stand, and then you are there all day Saturday and Sunday. They are never less than 30 miles away from home. Then there are the one on one lessons...ugh I I haven't had a free weekend in months, and practice are 3 nights a week from 6pm to 9pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
On the bright side, my kid kicks ass at volley ball, She only 4'11" but she's 100lb of solid muscle. She plays libero so she's on the court the whole game every game. She's quite entertaining to watch. The season was supposed to end last weekend, but the other parents decided they wanted two more tournaments, soooo now I'm out another $130, and two more weekends. But heck the kids happy, and she's to busy to get in trouble.
We do have this weekend off. So I I'll be cramming like three months worth of weekends "honey do's" into two days.
What do y'alls kids do? and are you happy about it? Is it as or more costly than what I'm doing? Despite all my gripes, I do enjoy watching her play, and Would rather be doing this stuff than anything else. I'm so friggen proud of her, she's way more dedicated to this than I was at anything when I was her age.
mine is the one in the black jersey
On the bright side, my kid kicks ass at volley ball, She only 4'11" but she's 100lb of solid muscle. She plays libero so she's on the court the whole game every game. She's quite entertaining to watch. The season was supposed to end last weekend, but the other parents decided they wanted two more tournaments, soooo now I'm out another $130, and two more weekends. But heck the kids happy, and she's to busy to get in trouble.
We do have this weekend off. So I I'll be cramming like three months worth of weekends "honey do's" into two days.
What do y'alls kids do? and are you happy about it? Is it as or more costly than what I'm doing? Despite all my gripes, I do enjoy watching her play, and Would rather be doing this stuff than anything else. I'm so friggen proud of her, she's way more dedicated to this than I was at anything when I was her age.
mine is the one in the black jersey
