Another vote for the SSS. Why deal with neighbors that are foolish enough to allow that dog to escape, and who will likely just do whatever minimal work is necessary to plug the fence hole. Thus creating a high likelihood that the dog eventually gets out again. Might save some kid's face/life.
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Prepping for dog attack
Originally posted by Mach1 View PostI'm trying to figure out what to tell him if he gets charged by a dog, I know they usually tear up kids faces, my son is 7 and usually gets off the bus by himself
If the dog is aggressive to you it will be doubly aggressive to somebody half your size. Do the right thing and call the police and animal control
My thoughts, until you can get rid of the dog...
Running from a pit bull is not a good idea. They are chase animals and instinctively chase and knockdown their prey. Back away never lose eye contact.
You're going to have to feed him or beat him. Have treats and a stick ready when he leaves the house. leave the stick at the bus stop, pick it up on the way home.
Teach him to keep something between him and the dog. His backpack, bike, a book... Use it as a weapon.
This is probably a territorial dispute between your dog and the pit. Pit wants to expand his territory, your dog is going "No f**cking way". Not going to end well.
i usually kick them in the snout as hard as possible. seems to work. when i worked warrants and encountered countless aggressive dogs a day i'd usually spray mace just under them if they were standing there. their strong sense of smell will usually make them leave and if it then came after me i'd mace it and would use my asp kind of waving if back in forth in front of their face. if a dog is going to attack you and you have an asp/stick waving it in front of their face like that makes them attack that as opposed to snagging your hand. it give you a chance to either kick it, move, shoot it, whatever you've gotta do. also if you already know youre going to be attacked make sure to ball up your fist so you dont lose a finger.
as for shooting the dog in that situation better to press your gun up to its side and let er rip.
Originally posted by S_K View PostMy thoughts, until you can get rid of the dog...
Running from a pit bull is not a good idea. They are chase animals and instinctively chase and knockdown their prey. Back away never lose eye contact.
You're going to have to feed him or beat him. Have treats and a stick ready when he leaves the house. leave the stick at the bus stop, pick it up on the way home.
Teach him to keep something between him and the dog. His backpack, bike, a book... Use it as a weapon.
This is probably a territorial dispute between your dog and the pit. Pit wants to expand his territory, your dog is going "No f**cking way". Not going to end well.
I concur.
Why not confront the owner? Tell them what you described on your post. Tell them you want to work with them and to make sure the dog is secure and that you feel threatened every time you step out of the house. If it gets ugly then resort to threatening the dog's life if it steps off their property onto yours. Record the confrontation. Get security cameras.
Originally posted by Sean88gt View PostTalk to the owner. If they do nothing, contact animal control (even though they are fucking worthless). If they don't respond, contact the police until it's handled.
If that doesn't work, kill the damn dog.
Originally posted by Unicorn Jeff View PostX2! Just tell the owners if your dog attacks my dog or family/friend again, I'm going to kill it. Fuck your neighbors.
This reddit thread is a great example of why you throw a big risk out there by talking like this to your neighbors.
Originally posted by SS Junk View PostAre you ever not a colossal pussy? Who said anything about a premeditated event? Who said anything about a threat?
Originally posted by SS Junk View PostSo, you see a correlation between a dog being killed for making noise compared to a dog who poses a physical threat? And dumbfucks who surrender any sort of "evidence" to the police without a warrant?
Simply talking to a neighbor about a problem in this case and going through the correct channels lead to a couple being a suspect in an animal cruelty case. They didnt even do a damn thing.
So you think going to a neighbor and threatening to kill their dog is only going to have a good result? And in the event that dog ends up think the neighbor is just going to say "well the did tell me this was going to happen...gee golly they were right. I'll be a better person next time"?