A Kevin is one who, for the sake of us all; the Universe itself should have smite'd as an embryo, to spare us from their excessive stupidity (despite, their lacking any mental defect which would offer a reason for their behavior) Unfortunately, the Universe was suffering from a raging hangover and dropped the ball.
Alternately, A Kevin is a handcrafted masterpiece, of shit. Made by god himself, out of shit, to troll us mortals with a stupidity that could only have been wrought by an omnipotent being with too much time on his hands. And this Kevin is sheltered and protected from the perils of the world, by a twisted divine intervention which aims to keep him alive and trolling for as long as possible, in spite of Darwin's valiant attempts to rid us of his plague.
You see, a Kevin is no garden variety stupidity or cringe. A Kevin is stupidity and cringe incarnate, given physical form to walk among us. Though, neither is he mentally handicapped... at least, not originally; if he cracks his head because he believes that if he just flaps his wings hard enough he can fly from his roof to the girls dorm and peek in their windows, and he's 24, then he's fair game. A Kevin is one who has all their faculties about them, but regards any attempt to better them-self in much the same way a gnat regards the concept of gravity (which is to say; it doesn't) and continues on in blithe ignorance and stupidity, of an almost inconceivable level.
On a side note, and this is just my feelings on this, but Millennials are destroying all sorts of shit. There are also more Kevins than ever. Like, the smart phone crowd is completely out of touch with doing things that require sweat, being outdoors, etc. The bicycle industry is suffering, motocross, street bikes, cars, hell playing sports to some level. Mark my word, one day football will be toast, too rough, concussions. Most of them hate driving, so high powered sports cars will be looked down on, or cars period. Hell Nascar took a shit. Some of it may be the cost of living and expenditures and such, but lots of stuff we like will be gone just for lack of interest. Hell I stop younger kids now days, and I am friendly as fuck, they go into a panic attack, so we are losing coping with any type of adversity skills. Even with a warning which is 90 percent of my stops or more. You stop them for running a stop sign and speeding and they are like "ok sir thanks for telling me", like that's it, now can I go, why are you bothering me. It is going to get interesting folks.
On a side note, and this is just my feelings on this, but Millennials are destroying all sorts of shit. There are also more Kevins than ever. Like, the smart phone crowd is completely out of touch with doing things that require sweat, being outdoors, etc. The bicycle industry is suffering, motocross, street bikes, cars, hell playing sports to some level. Mark my word, one day football will be toast, too rough, concussions. Most of them hate driving, so high powered sports cars will be looked down on, or cars period. Hell Nascar took a shit. Some of it may be the cost of living and expenditures and such, but lots of stuff we like will be gone just for lack of interest. Hell I stop younger kids now days, and I am friendly as fuck, they go into a panic attack, so we are losing coping with any type of adversity skills. Even with a warning which is 90 percent of my stops or more. You stop them for running a stop sign and speeding and they are like "ok sir thanks for telling me", like that's it, now can I go, why are you bothering me. It is going to get interesting folks.
It is A Brave New World where the drug is replaced with electronic "social" interaction that creates a constant craving for useless stimulation.
On one hand I think that these people are no different than any other generation. IE, there were many generations in the past that were thought of as worthless lazy turds but they rose to the occasion when presented with some societal level schism that required action. On the other, I believe this is a whole new level of sloth and more importantly, I see no event looming that presents a challenge.
Originally posted by racrguy
What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
Originally posted by racrguy
Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.
It is A Brave New World where the drug is replaced with electronic "social" interaction that creates a constant craving for useless stimulation.
On one hand I think that these people are no different than any other generation. IE, there were many generations in the past that were thought of as worthless lazy turds but they rose to the occasion when presented with some societal level schism that required action. On the other, I believe this is a whole new level of sloth and more importantly, I see no event looming that presents a challenge.
The "greatest" generation of world war 2 was viewed as lazy and worthless fancy lads by their parents until the war kicked off.