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  • Kevin

    Feels like this could be a few people around here

    Response to "Who's the dumbest person you've ever met?"

    It's not uncommon as a teacher to have students who are a bit behind the curve in certain aspects, but 99.99999% of the time they are keen on something. They might not understand how to identify a noun or what theme is, but they somehow know how to make a mean plate of nachos. You learn pretty quick to not judge fish for their tree climbing ability, ya know?

    I thought this was the rule when I was teaching until I met Kevin. Kevin isn't his real name, but it doesn't matter because he can't spell it anyway. Kevin was a student of mine during my last year of teaching. He came to my classroom with very little to show for his academic past. He had moved a few times and thus was missing a lot of typical test scores that we use to try and ballpark their ability (Don't worry, it was a ballpark.....we didn't make major decisions until we actually had a chance to talk and work with a student for a bit.) I thought "That's fine. I'll just do some one-on-one with Kevin and see what's up" One on One with kevin was like conversing with someone who'd forgotten everything in a freak, if not impossible, amnesia incident. There was no evidence that he had learned anything past the 2nd grade....and now he was in 9th grade. Flabbergasted, I figured we needed to get more serious with this. If he was going to be in my class, I needed to know why and how.

    I decided to meet with him, his guidance counselor, his parents, and another teacher to see what was really going on. This is where it all became clear. It was by some incredible fluke that his family hadn't been wiped off the face of the Earth years ago. Odds are his entire heritage was based on blind luck and some type of sick divine intervention that saves his family every time a threat presents itself. Kevin was the genetic pinnacle of this null achievement. Even my instructional lead, a woman who could find a redeeming trait in a Balrog, failed to see any reason this kid or his family should be alive today.

    So here's a list of events that made it abundantly clear that god exists and he's laughing uncontrollably:
    • Kevin frequently forgot when/where class was. On more than one occasion, I had to retrieve him from other classrooms.
    • Kevin ate an entire 24 pack of crayons, puked, and then did it again the next day. This is 9th grade. I have no idea where he got crayons.
    • Kevin's dad wrote tuition checks and mailed them to me...his English teacher. This was a public school. When I gave it back to Kevin, voided, to give to his dad with a brief note explaining that this is a public school, Kevin got in trouble for trying to spend it at 711 after school.
    • Kevin was removed from the culinary arts program after leaving a cutting board on the gas stove and starting a fire....twice
    • Kevin threw his lunch at the School Resource Officer and tried to run away. He ran into a door and insisted it wasn't him.
    • Kevin stole my phone during class. I called it. It rang. He denied that it was ringing. (Not that it wasn't his, not that he did, he denied that the phone was actually ringing). He tried it three times before the end of the year.
    • Kevin called the basketball coach a "Motherfucking Bitch" during gym. Basketball tryouts were that afternoon. Kevin tried out. It didn't go well.
    • Kevin's mom could never remember which school he went to. She missed several meetings because she drove to other schools (none of which he ever went to)
    • Kevin tazed himself in the neck before a football game
    • Kevin kept a bottle of orange koolaide in his backpack for about 4 months. He thought it would turn into alcohol. He drank it during homeroom and threw up.
    • Kevin say the N-word a lot. Kevin was white. The highschool was 84% black. Kevin got beat up a lot.
    • Kevin stole another student's Iphone....and tried to sell it back to them.
    • Kevin didn't understand that his grade was dependent on tests, quizzes, homework, classwork, and participation. Kevin finished his first semester with a 3% average. He tried to bribe me with $11.
    • Kevin spit on a girl and said "You should get out of those wet clothes". The girl was the Spanish Student Teacher.
    • Kevin didn't know dogs and cats were different animals.
    • Kevin tried to download porn onto a computer in the the circulation desk....while he was logged on.
    • Kevin asked a girl to prom (he was in 9th grade and freshmen don't go to prom) by asking for her phone number and then texting her his address
    • Kevin got gum in his hair, constantly.
    • Kevin regularly tried to cheat on assignments by knocking the pile over, grabbing one before I had picked them all up, and then writing it name on it wherever there was room.
    • Kevin had several allergies, but neither his parents nor he could remember what they were. They were very concerned that "the holiday party" (it's high school, we don't have those) would have peanuts. When they finally got a doctor's note....he was allergic to amoxicillin
    • Kevin and his parents took a trip to Nassau (how the fuck did they even get airline tickets?) and forgot all their luggage at home. I didn't believe him when he told me until I talked to him mom, who told me 1st thing when I saw her at the bi-weekly meeting.
    • Kevin's grandfather apparently died in a chainsaw accident. I can only assume God was looking the other way that day.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Broncojohnny


    • #3
      "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


      • #4
        Some of the followup is equally as good.

        • Kevin tazed himself in the neck before a football game
        This is the best one, IMO.
        I wasn't at the game, but my instructional lead texted me that night with a picture of Kevin sitting on the tailgate of an ambulance surrounded by security and just the words "Isn't he one of yours?" He was mostly fine, but it looked like he had been bitten by a vampire that wore socks on the carpet too much. No one knows where he got the taser or what happened to it.


        • #5
          This is awesome! My wife has been teaching for over 20 years. She has known several Kevins...


          • #6
            Back in my younger days we used to play taser Olympics. Kevin would have fit right in.


            • #7


              • #8
                Teachers don't get paid enough. I'd last about 5 seconds in that job.
                And then those "Kevins" walk among us in the real world.. Im convinced most drive BMW's..


                • #9
                  With all the grammatical errors I'm wondering if this individual Keven'd their way into a Bachelor's program.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Craizie View Post
                    Back in my younger days we used to play taser Olympics. Kevin would have fit right in.
                    When I worked at Academy in college we convinced a our resident "Kevin" to put on a dog shock collar at work while someone else had the remote. Hilarity ensued. I miss those days, it was at the NRH location before they installed a camera system. We are probably lucky to be alive with some of the things that happened in the hunting department.


                    • #11
                      You people have no idea! Now this is from my prospective of being over the SRO program, not my wife working in a school.

                      The wife side to that is her dream job of being a athletic trainer has been soured by the teaching side. Like, after 7 years she is getting out any way she can. 70 hours a week is redonculous for what she makes. It wont be long they wont have any ATs signing up. The entire class before her is out of the profession, and half of her class. Some of this is due to the coddling affect. What is even funnier is they moved to make it a Masters only degree a year ago. Money grab by the colleges and program!
                      Whos your Daddy?


                      • #12
                        The really sad part is tha those like Kevin can vote, and worse.......they can breed.


                        • #13
                          A presentation and reading by Hamilton Gregory, author of "McNamara's Folly: The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam." Because so many college students were ...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by FastFox View Post
                            The really sad part is tha those like Kevin can vote, and worse.......they can breed.
                            I was just going to say this.
                            Also, I'm pretty sure I used to sell auto parts to his whole family.
                            "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


                            • #15
                              We've all known this great prophecy was coming true for quite some time but really... this is just another example.

                              Originally posted by stevo
                              Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.


