OMG, Gasser! The fact that she shot him had nothing to do with her being a cop. Yes, that probably got her the extra days before being arrested, and we'll see how the trial plays out. However, she was off duty. It could have been anyone that did what she did. It could have been someone like my wife. She is a school teacher. Her dad is sick and has been in the hospital. She is about to go see him. Play the scenario out to where she is a single woman living in a complex like that. She logs 14 hour days to get her classes ready for the sub, flies halfway across the country to spend hours with her mom and dad, stresses over it all and doesn't sleep. After 3 or 4 days, she catches the last flight back to DFW. After landing, she gets to her car then drives home. It's late, she's a zombie, and she takes her gun from the car to carry back into the apartment. She could easily have then done exactly what happened in this case. I travel for a living and I have tried to open the wrong door in the hotel multiple times. Myself and coworkers have all had someone open the door and start to walk into our own room before too. It's why we keep the door chain/bar flipped.
I think LEO's should be held to a higher standard when on duty or behaving as a LEO. Otherwise, they're citizens just like you and I. That being said, no LEO should get preferential treatment in a situation like this. She should have been arrested almost immediately, and everything should proceed as if she were a citizen -- no special treatment. By your reasoning about her not ever being a LEO, 98% of the people who have firearms shouldn't be allowed to have them including you.
I think LEO's should be held to a higher standard when on duty or behaving as a LEO. Otherwise, they're citizens just like you and I. That being said, no LEO should get preferential treatment in a situation like this. She should have been arrested almost immediately, and everything should proceed as if she were a citizen -- no special treatment. By your reasoning about her not ever being a LEO, 98% of the people who have firearms shouldn't be allowed to have them including you.