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Man law issue and question

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  • #16
    Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
    i have personally never had a conversation while taking a piss in a public bathroom.

    On the same lines, why can't grown men pee in the urinal? Why is there always piss on the floor?
    We have a friend that tells us her low-life ex husband deliberately peed on the floor in his own home to "mark his territory". Basically it was a control thing because he knew she would clean it up. The bad thing is that his son is doing it now and the Mom is trying to break him of it. I think she needs to hide in the shower and slap his peppy with a ruler when he tries it. Just disgusting that a grown man, much less a kid would do it.
    Last edited by Frank; 02-23-2011, 08:04 PM.


    • #17
      public bathroom rule #1, always scream as if you are in pain, and yell "damn, it burns".......nobody will want to talk to you
      pinto gt with wood trim


      • #18
        Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
        Yeah there seems to be some sexual tension in the first post...
        Lol nope just never been one to have a chit chat with a guy while pissing, I'm there to take care of business and move on.

        I don't mind shitting with people in the restroom, just having a conversation with people I don't know all that well while going to the restroom seems weird to me.
        QuestionableContent-Awesome Webcomic


        • #19
          Originally posted by Grape View Post
          public bathroom rule #1, always scream as if you are in pain, and yell "damn, it burns".......nobody will want to talk to you
          Lol next time I'm in Walmart I am so doing that =D
          QuestionableContent-Awesome Webcomic


          • #20
            Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
            i have personally never had a conversation while taking a piss in a public bathroom.

            On the same lines, why can't grown men pee in the urinal? Why is there always piss on the floor?
            LOL, we had an inquisition here at work because they thought people were peeing directly on the floor. It was determined that piss splashes back out of the urinal and a little water was also splashing out of it when they were flushed. During the investigation I did piss on the top of the urinal just to keep them on their toes though.
            Atlantic Blue '00 - '03 Cobra motor and TKO600, solid axle, full MM suspension
            Silver '01 Vette - D1 blown LS


            • #21
              On a related note:


              • #22
                Originally posted by Trick Pony View Post
                LOL, we had an inquisition here at work because they thought people were peeing directly on the floor. It was determined that piss splashes back out of the urinal and a little water was also splashing out of it when they were flushed. During the investigation I did piss on the top of the urinal just to keep them on their toes though.
                LOL @ the fact that there was an investigation. I hate when I go to the bathroom at work to take a dump and there is piss all over the toliet. I can't understand why grown men can't piss in a freakin toliet.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Frank View Post
                  We have a friend that tells us her low-life ex husband deliberately peed on the floor in his own home to "mark his territory". Basically it was a control thing because he knew she would clean it up. The bad thing is that his son is doing it now and the Mom is trying to break him of it. I think she needs to hide in the show and slap his peppy with a rule when he tries it. just disgusting that a grown man, much less a kid would do it.
                  I'd rub their noses in it, or in the very least, I'd clean it up with their pillow cases.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by SVTNorthTexas View Post
                    LOL @ the fact that there was an investigation. I hate when I go to the bathroom at work to take a dump and there is piss all over the toliet. I can't understand why grown men can't piss in a freakin toliet.
                    Either because they're too effin' lazy to raise the seat, they don't give a crap because it's not their own house, or they think it's funny.


                    • #25
                      Fart while taking a leak, that will likely get rid of the offending pisser


                      • #26
                        As long as your not eying my junk i dont care.


                        • #27
                          If its a buddy, I don't care. Jabber away.

                          On a related note, does it drive you nuts when you go into a public bathroom to pee and there's an 60+ aged guy already there, and he turns his body 45 degrees away like he just knows you're gonna try to look at his junk?

                          You're safe pops. Really.


                          • #28
                            Now if he laid his hand on your shoulder and/or pointed his into your urnial to "share", then you'd have a valid gripe.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by SVTNorthTexas View Post
                              LOL @ the fact that there was an investigation. I hate when I go to the bathroom at work to take a dump and there is piss all over the toliet. I can't understand why grown men can't piss in a freakin toliet.
                              One company I worked for hired tons of temps. (from the far east). You would walk in the rest room hear them talking and did not see anyone, no feet in the stalls or anything.
                              Come to find out they would stand on the toilet seat and squat, piss and shit all over everything.
                              Don't miss working there...


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Grape View Post
                                public bathroom rule #1, always scream as if you are in pain, and yell "damn, it burns".......nobody will want to talk to you
                                Well put sir. Damn good idea
                                99 Mustang Project JSTA2V
                                going from really slow to just alittle slow

                                2013 Focus ST the daily cruising the 4 banger

