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Total Knee Replacement

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  • Total Knee Replacement

    Who's had one and whats the down time?

    Long story short I've had a jacked up knee since college football when I broke my femur. I've been bone on bone for the last 12 years or so and this last year the pain just got too great. Had a microfracture surgery with the hopes of getting some more life out of the knee in Jan and it didn't work. Due to all of the bone spurs, arthritis, and general decay in the knee TKR was recommended by the Dr. I'm young (34) and he didn't want to do it at my age but didn't recommend any of the other surgery options. Up until this year I was fairly active, soccer 3-5 times a week and running around with the kiddos. Hoping to be able to at least get back to running around with the kids at the park and whatnot but am not expecting soccer to be able to happen again.

  • #2
    Get second, third and forth opinions. At 34, you likely live long enough to have this redone 3-5 times before you’re gone. Are you overweight? If yes loose weight. Had a friend avoid knee replacement by losing weight.


    • #3
      Ditto, get in front of a different doc.
      "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


      • #4
        Originally posted by white trash wagon View Post
        Get second, third and forth opinions. At 34, you likely live long enough to have this redone 3-5 times before you’re gone. Are you overweight? If yes loose weight. Had a friend avoid knee replacement by losing weight.
        Yes, but that isn't going to be much help with this. Bone spurs and general lack of cartilage is too much for other options. This is the forth surgery I've had so it isn't like this was the only suggestion. The other option would have been to cultivate cartilage in a lab but I dont have a good enough surface for it to be attached to with a high likelihood of success.

        Edit: this was third separate dr recommendation btw. Two of three recommended TKR one wanted to try Microfracture again but being that I attempted that in Jan with no success I dont see the point. The Dr doing the surgery agrees about the age being too young however said he feels its the only option.


        • #5
          Originally posted by white trash wagon View Post
          Get second, third and forth opinions. At 34, you likely live long enough to have this redone 3-5 times before you’re gone. Are you overweight? If yes loose weight. Had a friend avoid knee replacement by losing weight.
          That and PT. I see a knee and hip specialist on occasion who is said to be a guru of sorts in the latest advances in joint replacement surgery and he is all in favor of using PT as opposed to surgery as long as possible.


          • #6
            I don't think you can PT a bone spur to death.


            • #7
              I have them and some bone on bone contact, but he'll have to do whatever works best for his situation.


              • #8
                Originally posted by The King View Post
                I have them and some bone on bone contact, but he'll have to do whatever works best for his situation.
                It sucks. The inside of the knee on the x-ray is solid bone on bone. We were going to go with a partial replacement only on the effected area, however, the bone spurs on the outside of the knee look to be too big of a problem and he feels i would end up having to get a total replacement within the next 3-5 years if i dont go ahead and address the entire thing now.


                • #9


                  • #10
                    My wife had a total knee replacement at age 43. Her doc says that a typical person can only have two knee replacements in their life due to the length of bone. Of course 20 years from now who knows what will be on tap for new knees.

                    Her knee basically exploded when they opened her up. Took her about three months to get completely right but she is fully functional and does everything she wants to do pain free.

                    It does suck because the PT wants you moving right away to prevent scar tissue from building up. Includes having a machine to move your knee up and down through the night when your sleeping (only on back.)

                    But you will regain your mobility freedom without pain

                    Lots of cars that nobody desires


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jw33 View Post
                      How could they see me?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Murph Tang View Post
                        But you will regain your mobility freedom without pain
                        Thats what I want. I've been dealing with major knee issues for the better part of 15 years but its just causing too much pain now.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jewozzy View Post
                          Thats what I want. I've been dealing with major knee issues for the better part of 15 years but its just causing too much pain now.
                          Afterwards pedal biking is your best exercise as it builds full range of motion without impact.

                          plus chicks will dig the big knarly knee scar. Make up a good story.

                          Lots of cars that nobody desires


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Murph Tang View Post
                            Afterwards pedal biking is your best exercise as it builds full range of motion without impact.

                            plus chicks will dig the big knarly knee scar. Make up a good story.
                            Ive already got that from a graft previously done. maybe i need it more defined haha.

                            can your wife run without issues? I dont mean like marathon running but light running with kids or tennis something of that nature? I was surprised the dr said tennis would be ok to take up aftewards. i've never played but assuming soccer is out i may have to give it a shot!


                            • #15
                              My Dad had one done 12 years ago and the other done earlier this year. The difference in recovery is huge compared to his first one. He was calling me very frequently about the pain from the first one. This round he was nearly 100% after 4 or 5 weeks.

                              The first one he wasn't back to 100 percent after 8 weeks and was ok'd to go back to work. The doc didn't check the box saying light duty or full duty so my Dad checked full duty because he didn't want to be behind a desk. He is a hard headed tough man though. Full duty for him meant going straight back to 12 hour days as a cop.

                              So by the time you wear this knee out, you will probably get a robotic leg that let's you jump like Michael Jordan.

