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putting in your 2 weeks

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  • #16
    Originally posted by lowthreeohz View Post
    he's a friend as well. I don't want to burn any bridges here so I'm trying to go about it in a manner that leaves the door open for the future.
    I'm sure he understands the situation. I'm sure he also understands the business/friendship thing without the two conflicting. Is there someone higher in the food chain you can communicate with and hand in your notice before going to HR to make it official?


    • #17
      Am I the only one that sends it and then just pretends like nothing changed until someone talks with me about it?
      Originally posted by MR EDD
      U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


      • #18
        Originally posted by red89notch View Post
        I keep saying, when I quit nobody will know. I will secretly take all my shit and people the next day will just keep asking, "Have you seen Randy?"
        I once worked somewhere that about 50% of the work force was "remote".

        Some as far as in California, Massachusetts....

        I know of one guy in development that just went and got another job, and didn't tell anyone.

        Stopped answering emails, changed his cell phone... poof/gone...

        I'm told that it was 6 weeks before anyone really figured it out.... lol


        • #19
          Do like Kozmo did and show up for work without actually having a job there. Then when you get fired you can turn the tables back on them and say you can't fire me because I don't work here anyway.


          • #20
            Why? Is your boss going to pay your bills when you're unemployed? These people are not your friends, you don't owe them anything. Put in your notice, this is business. Dont let a company trick you into thinking they are your friends. Any true friend would understand, if they dont why the fuck would you want to work with them again.


            • #21
              I can understand not wanting to burn never know if you will be back.

              But whatever you do...dont let them talk you into staying and taking their counter offer.


              • #22
                I'm sitting in HR now, but there's no way they will even touch the offer I got so I've got no concern there. keep in mind I'm in rural VA and there aren't a lot of technology companies here, much less in my line of work. it would be foolish to burn a bridge, as ultimately I may want to come back when they'll pay what others are obviously willing to.

                I think my current boss is going to be ecstatic for me, but I wanted to give him the courtesy of a heads up. unfortunately I had to do so via voicemail and email.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                  I'm sure he understands the situation. I'm sure he also understands the business/friendship thing without the two conflicting. Is there someone higher in the food chain you can communicate with and hand in your notice before going to HR to make it official?
                  my next level manager is a senior VP, and he was copied on HR's response so no worries now


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                    I can understand not wanting to burn never know if you will be back.

                    But whatever you do...dont let them talk you into staying and taking their counter offer.
                    That's no shit. I work for a decent company in a less than ideal dept. Any counters or increases to keep one of us would be met with unrealistic expectations, endless headaches, stress that is unrivaled, and constantly looking over your shoulder for an ax to drop.

                    When I go, I'll be gone and have something else secured.

