Good post Strychnine, I get the same feeling as you: "The NRA really makes me wonder if they really care about 2A rights or if they're just in it for money (let some incremental laws pass, scare the people, get donations, rinse, repeat)."
And really, I get that feeling about most lobby groups. Just like the saying often repeated in condemnation of politicians, they all seem to have the "Never let a crisis / tragedy go to waste" philosophy.
At the same time, they are kind of the "only game in town" when it comes to stuff like this. I used to be a member but intentionally avoided renewal. It kinda gives me the same feeling I had when considering who to vote for in the last (hell, make that last several) elections. Still not sure which is better (to support them or not).
Everyone is selling / marketing something these days, and it's becoming increasingly more difficult to identify those underlying motives.
Good post also.. We usually line up on stuff like this.
And really, I get that feeling about most lobby groups. Just like the saying often repeated in condemnation of politicians, they all seem to have the "Never let a crisis / tragedy go to waste" philosophy.
At the same time, they are kind of the "only game in town" when it comes to stuff like this. I used to be a member but intentionally avoided renewal. It kinda gives me the same feeling I had when considering who to vote for in the last (hell, make that last several) elections. Still not sure which is better (to support them or not).
Everyone is selling / marketing something these days, and it's becoming increasingly more difficult to identify those underlying motives.
Originally posted by Sean88gt
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