Just order some stickers from shiticooler.com and cover yetis.
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YETI drops the NRA?!?!
In the wake of Yeti allegedly deciding to break up with NRA by refusing to sell its products to NRA-ILA, Pelican has announced a new promotion. Use the code PELICANPROUD when ordering a Pelican cooler this month, and Pelican will donate $10 to NRA — and give you a free Pelican 22 ounce stainless steel …
In the wake of Yeti deciding to break up with NRA by refusing to sell its products to NRA-ILA, Pelican has announced a new promotion. Use the code PELICANPROUD when ordering a Pelican cooler this month, and Pelican will donate $10 to NRA — and give you a free Pelican 22 ounce stainless steel tumbler.
For every cooler purchased this month, we’ll donate $10 to the NRA + and give you a FREE 22oz tumbler of your choice. Promo code: PELICANPROUD
Seems like NRA jumped the gun (lol). I can see how they are antsy these days.
I have a drawer full of useless Yeti shit at work, for a while it was the trendy bro gift for all real estate brokers across the country. They love to spend money on overpriced useless shit like that and send it to clients.
I don't own one of their coolers though, a fucking igloo has always served me just fine. Ice costs $2 a bag so when I do the math I think I can go 20 years or so and still come out ahead.Originally posted by racrguyWhat's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?Originally posted by racrguyVoting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.
That's a weak response...I expected them to come back with more than just a customization program. What kinda half refute is that?
But I don't really buy yeti anyways and the NRA certainly made a bigger deal of this than needed. Regardless this did cement my stance that I will never even consider a yeti product.
Originally posted by StrychnineThe customization program wasn't part of the refute, it was the original message.
YETI ended an old promo program
YETI offered a new program
NRA misread, mislead, and cried like a bitch
NRA also added extra bullshit that was neither material nor true
The NRA don't get special privileges just because of who they are - YETI have a business to run. If they want some free mugs maybe they could return the favor by not fucking over their members on big legislation. Yeah, LaPierre has said they'd go after the Hughes Amendment... but in their latest chance to fight for something they just caved.
But they'll sure pick an unwarranted fight over an insulated mug!
(Like Al, the only YETI in own was a gift from a Cummins group. I have some RTIC stuff... this is not a fanboy thing)
What big legislation are you so salty about?
Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View PostWhat new program was offered in the place of the one they canned?
Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View PostWhat big legislation are you so salty about?...
The NRA really makes me wonder if they really care about 2A rights or if they're just in it for money (let some incremental laws pass, scare the people, get donations, rinse, repeat).
For instance, the 1986 machine gun ban.
"Repealing the machine gun ban amendment tacked on to the McClure-Volkmer bill will be a high priority."
- Wayne LaPierre
They were even saying they'd have legislation introduced in the next session to start fighting it, and went so far as to say:
- The National Rifle Association supports the right of law-abiding individuals to choose to own any firearm, including automatic firearms.
- The Second Amendment is not limited by its language to the type of of firearms which the people have a right to own... The NRA will actively work for the repeal of the prohibition against law-abiding citizens obtaining newly made automatic firearms.
- The NRA further recognizes that sporting events involving automatic firearms are similar to those events such as silhouette shooting and other target-related endeavors, and deserve the same respect and support.
- The National Rifle Association hereby declares that the highest priority is being assigned to the restoration of the rights of automatic firearm owners, and the NRA will work with other organizations to that end. The NRA makes the commitment to all members that it will actively work toward the repeal of the recent machine gun ban and will take all necessary steps to educate the pubic on the sporting uses and legal ownership of automatic firearms.
10/13/17 the NRA was against any legislation banning bumpstocks.
"We oppose the gun-control legislation being offered by Senator Feinstein and Representatives Curbelo and Moulton. These bills are intentionally overreaching and would ban commonly owned firearm accessories."
bump stocks have "no automatically functioning mechanical parts or springs and performs no automatic mechanical function when installed... Accordingly, we find that the 'bump-stock' is a firearm part and is not regulated as a firearm under Gun Control Act or the National Firearms Act."
the National Rifle Association is calling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law. The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations.
They've been doing this shit for 100 nearly 100 years.
In the 1920s, the National Revolver Association, the arm of the NRA responsible for handgun training, proposed regulations later adopted by nine states, requiring a permit to carry a concealed weapon, five years additional prison time if the gun was used in a crime, a ban on gun sales to non-citizens, a one day waiting period between the purchase and receipt of a gun, and that records of gun sales be made available to police.
re: 1934 National Firearms Act
“I have never believed in the general practice of carrying weapons. I do not believe in the general promiscuous toting of guns. I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses.”
- Karl T. Frederick, NRA President, to Congress
“We do not think that any sane American, who calls himself an American, can object to placing into this bill the instrument which killed the president of the United States.”
- Franklin Orth, NRA Executive Vice-President, to congress
The NRA also supported California’s Mulford Act of 1967, which had banned carrying loaded weapons in public in response to the Black Panther Party’s impromptu march on the State Capitol to protest gun control legislation on May 2, 1967.
In '68 they helped draft the GCA. They managed to keep the national registry out of the law, but as for the rest of it:
"... the measure as a whole appears to be one that the sportsmen of America can live with.”
- Franklin Orth
I wouldn't say I'm salty though - it doesn't keep me up at night because I can't change it.Last edited by Strychnine; 04-24-2018, 08:08 AM.
So you're saying they never really did offer the alternative program that you originally said they offered? The deletion makes sense now...
And the cake meme you're using as evidence fails to note one point. As technology advances there are new "cakes baked"...I'll bake a cake every now and then to throw to the other side if it keeps them away from the cake I really want.
NRA cares about money and pretends to be pro-2A.
That being said, I'm not a big fan of companies that grand stand, and it would also seem that Yeti predominately sells to people that would be "rah-rah firearms" and don't mind switching brands.