I will have a drink this evening in your and your brothers honor. Cheers, My friend.
Not sure where you are, but I have several hundred acres that I let a few friends hunt. And every year, I host a small group of wounded warriors on opening weekend to dove hunt.
I am glad that you are still on this earth, and able to put that incredible story in words.
Shoot me a pm if you ever need a place to bird hunt. Thanks for your service.
Ladies and gentlemen, 30 minutes until the 4th. I ask that you lift a drink to my honored dead and stop to offer a prayer for the families who lost so much on 04/04/04. While you enjoy your Easter Sunday, please stop for but one moment and give one thought for those who are not with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, 30 minutes until the 4th. I ask that you lift a drink to my honored dead and stop to offer a prayer for the families who lost so much on 04/04/04. While you enjoy your Easter Sunday, please stop for but one moment and give one thought for those who are not with us.
Same here. I've never met you, but this story is outstanding. I've shared it with my sons and will do again this year. Thank you for your service and sharing this. Glad you are still here. I'll have a stout one poured for you and your brethren from that day and all the days before and after.
Around this time of year I will always come back, revive this thread to honor my fallen. We were going to meet up at Hood and lift a drink but there's still some hesitation with the China Virus so we're definitely meeting for our 20th.
We have a Black Sunday Extreme Challenge this year which is running or biking 4 miles every 4 hours for 44 hours. It's going to suck but.... It's a way to remember who we are.
Man, I was legit, just thinking about you and this thread. Hope you're well bubba.
Same here. I've never met you, but this story is outstanding. I've shared it with my sons and will do again this year. Thank you for your service and sharing this. Glad you are still here. I'll have a stout one poured for you and your brethren from that day and all the days before and after.
Hell no, not what I meant at all. Your stories are awesome and your overall vibe is cool.
I'm fucking with you. This group of misfits are family more or less. I mean, I'm not SVO who only didn't stop the Iraq war because he was off talking Putin into not invading Crimea but....I have my moments.
You know, that's a nice way of saying "Dude, you're fucked in the head." But thank you. I keep this thread alive every year because my guys deserve it. I'm alive because they fought when I was unconscious and I fought for them when I was awake. We are and were a team and that's what it was all about. Not politics, not Washington, not even about the Iraqis we were saving but each other.
In those moments, the guy who rat fucked the MRE's and who was an asshole to you in the rear suddenly is the guy drawing fire so you can be safe while you reload. The guy you can't stand and would rather gut in his sleep is the same guy you're willing to charge against AK fire so he can be carried off the field.
It's brotherhood and that bond burns ... forever. I recently just touched base with some guys I haven't talked to in years and it was like that time was never gone. We're older but.... that's about it.
Today we honor our fallen and those who rose again to continue the fight.
Hell no, not what I meant at all. Your stories are awesome and your overall vibe is cool.
Forever, keep your spirits up and the memories of your brothers with you. Words can’t undue what was done, but I hope as time marches on you have more good days.
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