Originally posted by Rick Modena
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I've tried not to judge them too harshly, and give them the benefit of the doubt over the years. But I can't help but sense the same thing from them. Don't know, maybe its just the way all of em are, in every county.
Having several deputies that are morbidly obese and look like they'd need a raskal to get to their next cheeseburger, doesn't help the admins look like they give two shits.
They're also paranoid as hell. Several years ago when I was in whataburger, I was behind 2 deputies in line. I was tired from working all day, so I sit down on the bench that is... 15 feet away from the counter. One turns around and just faces me the whole time, while the other one is giving them his order. When they're done and they're walking off and I'm walking up to the counter, he mentions that I was "scaring the shit out of him". ... How?? Again, I was sitting on the bench, awaiting my turn.
You are in the wrong fucking job idiot.