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Question on 2 different Ford vehicles
I’ll stick with my aftermarket HID bulbs that blind oncoming drivers and give my ride that ricer look. Actually my preferred solution to the weak Ford halogens is to not drive at night, or if I must do so drive something other than a Mustang.
Originally posted by juiceweezl View PostBut not the 12 gauge that hits you in the chest like a baseball pitch...
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Originally posted by Rick Modena View PostYou hear that Brad, you just need a couple of kerosene lanterns tied to your grill by 12 gauge wire...
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Originally posted by Rick Modena View PostYou hear that Brad, you just need a couple of kerosene lanterns tied to your grill by 12 gauge wire...
Edit: edited by svauto-erotic855; 02-08-2018, 09:15 AM.
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Originally posted by Big A View PostTry putting each of your playlists into a folder on the same USB, you should be able to browse, and choose the one that you want.
I could play by genre too, but I prefer using it on a separate device all together. I'll just keep it in the center console, unplugged, or plug it in second, then unplug the one in the dash.
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You hear that Brad, you just need a couple of kerosene lanterns tied to your grill by 12 gauge wire...
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Originally posted by BradM View PostI'm just ready to.get fucked up. The last time I talked to Forest we didn't get fucked up. I need to.fix that with a friend.
You better look just like your avatar though. Or I'm out.
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Originally posted by Rick Modena View PostYou talk like you know what you're talking about, but you don't. Not in this application, the best after market HL bulbs only put out about 900/1000 lumens, these new LED HL bulbs put out 4000 lumens and unlike after market HIDs theses are designed to mimick the OEM halogen bulb as far as directing the light beam. So GTFO of here with upgrading the wiring harness on new vehicles.
You know, you don't have to know everything about everything, it's annoying, especially when you have no clue what the fuck your talking about.
An incandescent filament is not directional while an LED is. There is nothing that you can do to make an LED throw the same way an incandescent does from the same reflector. Headlamps are optical instruments, and they depend on the filament being very precisely oriented and placed exactly how and where it’s supposed to be, in order to form a beam pattern with the right amounts of light in the right places. I have a lux meter and will do the 100 yard challenge using just a single 55 watt halogen bulb against any LED bulb you can stuff into a fixture designed for an incandescent bulb.
You could also read about the dozens of test that people have done using lab grade equipment on the candle power forum pitting drop in LEDs vs normal premium halogen capsules. I will give you a clue; 5 feet in front of the LED lamp it will appear brighter to the naked eye. It is in a way but it is wasted light that is called spill over. 100 meters up the road the LED gets its ass kicked by nearly two and a half times by using the setup that I am describing from a reflector design that has no dead spots in it and nearly no spill over. The LED will also throw less than the stock setup once you get out of the spill over halo.
As far as putting in a relay harness into a new vehicle you GTFO with your no measuring ass who has no goddamn idea what the voltage drop is because I doubt that you even know how to measure it. Until you measure it you have no clue. Even new cars rarely have more than 11.5 volts at the bulb unless the factory decided to power the lights separately from the switch and used 12ga or larger wire.
Edit: FYI, you can buy over driven H4s that have a real 3400 lumens output but it is wasted without a very good reflector and the bulb life is very short and at 130 watts each they kind of heat shit up in a bad way. Lumen output is not affected by imperfections in the reflector shape but throw is.
Edit II: If you think for a second that your drop in LED bulbs come with an accurate lumen rating from the manufacture you will believe anything.
Edit III: The DOT design spec for a 9007 bulb call for a high beam output of 1350 lumens.Last edited by svauto-erotic855; 02-08-2018, 02:07 AM.
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Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View PostOnly someone who knows nothing about lighting would use these.
It isn't the bulbs folks. It is the power supply. A very simple measurement will very clearly demonstrate this.
You know, you don't have to know everything about everything, it's annoying, especially when you have no clue what the fuck your talking about.
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Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View PostI admire this honesty. Fuck the headlights...just want to hang out with someone and party.
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