David - How horrible man, I'm sure it was devastating for your sister. 
Danny - I'm so sorry for your loss.. I'll always remember Chopper hanging out in the back or your old Ranger at the Sonic meets.
Our 90lb yellow got hung up trying to jump our back fence to get to one of our back neighbors dogs, years ago. There are actually two fences, ours is a bit lower at about 5', there was a gap of a foot or two, then their fence at about 6'. She wasn't impaled, fortunately, but the way she got stuck, essentially hanging legs on either side of the fences, made it a hell of a time getting her down. She learned her lesson the first time and never tried that again.
One of my brothers got impaled on a fence as a kid too.. He was climbing a chain link fence, put his hand on top (the kind with the spikes pointing up) and his feet slipped at the same time, and the fence went right through his palm and he was hanging from it until my other brother could lift him enough to get his hand free. I was too young to remember but have heard the story a number of times.

Danny - I'm so sorry for your loss.. I'll always remember Chopper hanging out in the back or your old Ranger at the Sonic meets.
Our 90lb yellow got hung up trying to jump our back fence to get to one of our back neighbors dogs, years ago. There are actually two fences, ours is a bit lower at about 5', there was a gap of a foot or two, then their fence at about 6'. She wasn't impaled, fortunately, but the way she got stuck, essentially hanging legs on either side of the fences, made it a hell of a time getting her down. She learned her lesson the first time and never tried that again.
One of my brothers got impaled on a fence as a kid too.. He was climbing a chain link fence, put his hand on top (the kind with the spikes pointing up) and his feet slipped at the same time, and the fence went right through his palm and he was hanging from it until my other brother could lift him enough to get his hand free. I was too young to remember but have heard the story a number of times.