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At what effing point...

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  • #16
    People think this year is bad but it isn't. During the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic 3% of the world's population died. If that were to happen today that would be 210 million people dead, 9 million here in the US. Think about that for a minute and then realize that it will happen again. It will be a good time own a funeral home I guess.
    Originally posted by racrguy
    What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
    Originally posted by racrguy
    Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


    • #17
      One of the guys at work just quarantined himself when his son came down with it. He said everyone on his block had somebody dealing with it. Probably a slight exaggeration but its beleivable


      • #18
        Originally posted by Captain Crawfish View Post
        Oh Noes I wonder what the fuck people did in the 50’s? You aren’t gonna die quit being a pussy!! Quit watching the dumbass media
        I literally posted about how a friend died from the flu @ 32 years old..


        • #19
          Originally posted by Captain Crawfish View Post
          Oh Noes I wonder what the fuck people did in the 50’s? You aren’t gonna die quit being a pussy!! Quit watching the dumbass media
          Go fuck yourself.


          • #20
            I've had it where it was mean as fuck for 4 days, then 5 more days of bad weakness. Couldn't really leave the house for well over a week. I did but it was miserable just dragging my ass through the grocery store even in that last phase.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Captain Crawfish View Post
              Oh Noes I wonder what the fuck people did in the 50’s? You aren’t gonna die quit being a pussy!! Quit watching the dumbass media
              I wonder what the fuck people did in the 50’s about polio? Tough it out so they wouldn’t be considered a pussy?

              Originally posted by BradM View Post
              Go fuck yourself.


              • #22
                Well, I feel like a person today.. had such a sinus headache this morning my teeth hurt. never been this sick, I can see how it can kill some folks with other issues.
                Gotta venture out today, getting low on Jack Daniels and Nyquill.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
                  I don't get flu shots for the very reason that they are just making a guess. Forced them on us annually in the military and I always got the flu. One year they forced 3 shots on me and that was the sickest I had ever been with the flu. Since getting out I have never gotten the shot and have I only get the flu about every other year. Don't mistake me for an anti-vaccine idiot, though. It is just that the flu shot doesn't work like the polio or smallpox vaccines.
                  I've only had the flu shot one time, and shortly after I got it, I came down sick as shit. I was out of commission for a little more than a week, and I lost 17 pounds during that week. Sickest I've ever been in my life.

                  I'm the same way, not an anti-vaccine moron....I just don't do the flu shot anymore.
                  Matts1911SA - XBox Live Gamertag


                  • #24
                    took me two weeks to kick it! chicken noodle soup and gatorade was my friend


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                      People think this year is bad but it isn't. During the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic 3% of the world's population died. If that were to happen today that would be 210 million people dead, 9 million here in the US. Think about that for a minute and then realize that it will happen again. It will be a good time own a funeral home I guess.
                      Imagine how much traffic that could clear up! a dream!!!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
                        I don't get flu shots for the very reason that they are just making a guess. Forced them on us annually in the military and I always got the flu. One year they forced 3 shots on me and that was the sickest I had ever been with the flu. Since getting out I have never gotten the shot and have I only get the flu about every other year. Don't mistake me for an anti-vaccine idiot, though. It is just that the flu shot doesn't work like the polio or smallpox vaccines.
                        Not right at all. Don't know how they convinced you of that but I know someone who ended up with nerve damage due to a 2nd round of flu vaccine from the army. He got a medical retirement from the military and local PD.

                        I wonder what kind of problems I have that are associated to the anthrax vaccines we were forced to get.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by akfodysvn View Post
                          Not right at all. Don't know how they convinced you of that but I know someone who ended up with nerve damage due to a 2nd round of flu vaccine from the army. He got a medical retirement from the military and local PD.

                          I wonder what kind of problems I have that are associated to the anthrax vaccines we were forced to get.
                          Convinced him of what?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by akfodysvn View Post
                            Not right at all. Don't know how they convinced you of that but I know someone who ended up with nerve damage due to a 2nd round of flu vaccine from the army. He got a medical retirement from the military and local PD.

                            I wonder what kind of problems I have that are associated to the anthrax vaccines we were forced to get.
                            It wasn't optional. The military owns you and injects whatever the fuck they want. I protested and was told to shut the fuck up or receive disciplinary action like reduced rank, confinement to quarters, extra duty, pay confiscation, etc.
                            I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                            Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
                              It wasn't optional. The military owns you and injects whatever the fuck they want. I protested and was told to shut the fuck up or receive disciplinary action like reduced rank, confinement to quarters, extra duty, pay confiscation, etc.
                              That's what I was wondering if he was insinuating. Too bad we didn't know about his friend back in the mid 90's when they were giving all these random shots and pills to me.. I would have refused! Yeah, that's the ticket! Bwaahahahhahahahaha!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Chili View Post
                                That's what I was wondering if he was insinuating. Too bad we didn't know about his friend back in the mid 90's when they were giving all these random shots and pills to me.. I would have refused! Yeah, that's the ticket! Bwaahahahhahahahaha!
                                Yeah no shit, especially in basic when everyone is in their underwear in a single file line with a dozen nurses in a line beside you, each one injecting you with a new concoction every step. Arms and ass hurt for a week, then everyone gets sick with the crud, you still do PT, then another round of shots 2 weeks later. And that doesn't touch overseas assignments.

                                I was only allowed to opt out of one shot during my 6 years; anthrax. And that was only because it was a long series and the threat had died down, and even then I had to sign something. But the opt out only lasted one or two years and it was mandatory in theater again, luckily I still cleared that window. But hey, at least I know I am immune to smallpox so there's that.
                                I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                                Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.

