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Waffles / Raffles ?

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  • Waffles / Raffles ?

    Whats up with all the "waffles" (raffles) in the facebook sale groups ? Why would anyone trust these people to be above board ? I can see them taking the money, magically their buddy wins and they split the cash and keep the parts ? or am I just a non trusting realist

  • #2
    I won a nice welder on one in December.

    It was MattB from here that ran it on FB. 100 tickets at $20 a pop. I bought 5 and won it.
    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


    • #3
      Co-worker won a semi-auto FN Saw and SCAR 17, both he only bought like 5 tickets with under $100 invested. People like auctions and sellers like selling


      • #4
        I won a several hundred dollar vintage rc car with 3 custom painted bodies by a very popular painter for 1 $20 ticket.

        the key is to find one that is transparent about the selecting and has been around a while.


        • #5
          Friend just sold a nice race car roller like that ..

          Is it even legal ?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Big Dad View Post
            Friend just sold a nice race car roller like that ..

            Is it even legal ?
            Not legal in Texas (except under very limited circumstances, like non-profit).. The topic came up a number of times on the old board, pre-Canada.

            Linky to back it up:

            Penalties and Enforcement
            Only raffles held according to the terms of the Charitable Raffle Enabling Act are authorized raffles. The law is Chapter 2002, Occupations Code, Texas Codes Annotated.

            An unauthorized raffle is considered gambling under the Texas Penal Code. Conducting such a raffle is a Class A misdemeanor. Participating in an unauthorized raffle is a Class C misdemeanor.

            A county attorney, district attorney or the attorney general may bring an action in state court to stop a violation or potential violation of the Charitable Raffle Enabling Act.
            I just couldn't see myself trusting them. I mean, I would have felt comfortable with Mattb, but just because I know him. No way I would trust a stranger, it's just too easy to take advantage.


            • #7
              Originally posted by KBScobravert View Post
              I won a nice welder on one in December.

              It was MattB from here that ran it on FB. 100 tickets at $20 a pop. I bought 5 and won it.
              valued at $2,000 or was this a poor man's profit game?


              • #8
                Actually on Amazon it was $2,600 or close to that.

                The profit game was all had by me. $100 buy in and flipped for under retail but priced for quick sale.

                We could have waffled it again at the same rules and I would have made even more but I didn't want to fuss with 100 numbers-payments. I was on a cruise ship pulling out of port in Miami when Matt held the live raffle and I won. I delivered it to the new owner the day after we got home in ft worth.

                Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
                Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                • #9
                  Most of the shit i see is used stuff that by the end sells for new price. I have not participated.

