Why don't people understand this? If someone wants to speak out, their voice is nothing if there is no one listening.
I think because we all instinctively want to be right, walking away is a maturity and ego thing. I'll be the first to admit I love a good lively debate because it helps push my own boundaries but that is more trolling for information via reaction than ego.
I think because we all instinctively want to be right, walking away is a maturity and ego thing. I'll be the first to admit I love a good lively debate because it helps push my own boundaries but that is more trolling for information via reaction than ego.
I completely get it and love a good debate/discussion, so I'm all for two or three people having one in a sensible way. I'm talking about the protest, loud mouth BS that's going on. If a group wanted to organize to protest some statues and wanted them torn down, how successful is it if no one goes to argue against them and no media covers it? Likewise if some group of racists wants to get together, burn crosses, and wear sheets. If no one covers it, no one is there to argue, how successful is their protest.
Maybe I'm just getting old, but groups that pull that crap don't bother me anymore. It's their right to protest, but everyone has the right to ignore them rather than encourage them. I'm sick and tired of the people on the far end of each side.