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How old is "too old" to decide to be a police officer?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by 90MarkVII View Post
    How about this:
    If you don't try (HARD) for to get to where you think you should go, you'll always wonder "What If".
    This! If you truly want to do it, then make it happen.
    "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. "
    George Orwell


    • #47
      I know game wardens has no age limit. just have to pass the physical and be willing to move.


      • #48
        I remember hearing a news report not too long ago about a county close to where I live wanting to hire several new deputies and the sheriff was complaining about not one applicant being eligible. The movie 'Police Academy' may end up being a documentary before long.


        • #49
          Originally posted by txstangnut View Post
          I know game wardens has no age limit. just have to pass the physical and be willing to move.
          That is a completely bad ass job to have.
          Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


          • #50
            Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View Post
            That is a completely bad ass job to have.
            You have to have a college degree, and they like it to be in wildlife biology.
            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


            • #51
              I know Little Rock needs cops in a bad way


              • #52
                Local SO I'm working with is hiring like crazy too. I was talking to the major and a captain about it yesterday and they both flat out said they wouldn't do it in this day and age. These are guys who work in a largely rural and pretty quiet area too.


                • #53
                  The field of wildlife biology will be packed in the next few years.


                  • #54
                    Thanks for all of the replies and insight, everyone.


                    • #55
                      Small update:

                      Since posting this I have lost a little over 11lbs from eating healthy and drinking a ton of water every day with some light workout/exercise mixed in.

                      I have been on another ride along since starting this thread and have a ride along scheduled with a department tomorrow night so I'm looking forward to that.

                      I am also enrolled in two college classes this semester to move towards getting the necessary college hours I may need.


                      • #56
                        Fort Worth doesn't require college, and they do 1 to 2 hirings a year. There's a few others but most want 30 hours which isn't bad.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Unicorn Jeff View Post
                          Fort Worth doesn't require college, and they do 1 to 2 hirings a year. There's a few others but most want 30 hours which isn't bad.
                          The department I'm riding with tomorrow night doesn't require any college either.

