An acquaintance of mine was rank at a private prison and decided to get into LE recently. He is 48 and is a deputy for a county in east TX. Personally I believe he made a bad call but he is very happy.
Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.
Age-wise, you're good. Just make sure you have the physical aspects covered. I took the test a couple of months ago and breezed through everything up to the run. My knee decided that would be the good day to give me trouble, and I missed the time by 20 seconds. I'm 48, btw.
"It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."
Age-wise, you're good. Just make sure you have the physical aspects covered. I took the test a couple of months ago and breezed through everything up to the run. My knee decided that would be the good day to give me trouble, and I missed the time by 20 seconds. I'm 48, btw.
I studied on doing this years ago. If you don't like working unpredictable hours and hate surprises you're going to be the asshole cop everyone talks about on here. If you're serious you need to start running now before you apply. Even though a PAT wouldn't be a soul deciding factor you will most likely be competing against those significantly younger and/or military who are older and can pass it easily. Take some ride alongs with different cities/counties and get their perspective. This is a process that can take a long time before becoming a sworn officer. Up to a year IIRC.
Usually 1.5 miles, but there can be a 300m sprint, pushups, verticle jump and however many situps one can do in 60s before the run which can wreck the hip flexors and effect a longer distance run. Timing for it can vary between depts and even age can be a factor in the minimum requirement.
Usually 1.5 miles, but there can be a 300m sprint, pushups, verticle jump and however many situps one can do in 60s before the run which can wreck the hip flexors and effect a longer distance run. Timing for it can vary between depts and even age can be a factor in the minimum requirement.
I tested with Richland Hills, it was 1.5 miles with them. The process was: Written test, sit/reach (age dependent), sit ups (age dependent), push ups (age dependent), and a 1.5 mile run in 16:29 or less (all ages). We ran the track at the local middle school, it was .25 miles/lap. I had been running there 2x/week for about three months prior, and was in the mid-14s. That day, my knee that I've previously had surgery on, decided not to cooperate and started to lock up on me after the third lap. I basically hobbled the last three laps and crossed at 16:49. I was beyond pissed. I plan to test again this year.
"It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."
I'm confused on the physical part as I see these over weight goofballs in uniform, may be they're veteran police officers, but makes me hope if I ever have to run from one, I get the round one!
I'm confused on the physical part as I see these over weight goofballs in uniform, may be they're veteran police officers, but makes me hope if I ever have to run from one, I get the round one!
They'll just shoot you in the back as running made them fear for their life.