Most will not stop a stab but it will work just fine against a slash from a knife. It will be of no use against a sword since your primary targets for a sword are not covered by a vest. I own a slash resistant Polo style shirt from a company that makes a product called a "trust bag" and wear it when I go to latino bars.
Edit: This comment is in reference to a tag; every blade that I own is a molecular blade. I must also point out that every blade ever made has been one also. My taste in blades is pretty much confined to utilitarian ones although I do own a few Randall Made ones. The only true exotic I have ever owned was a very, very old katana that my grandfather won in single combat from its previous owner. My step brother stole it a longtime ago and pawned it somewhere in Ft Worth. He has since passed away (heavy meth use for nearly 30 years) and I have never recovered the katana.