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What would DFWMUSTANGS do??

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  • What would DFWMUSTANGS do??

    Wheels and tires were stolen off my truck almost a month ago (The Colony)
    Wheels and tires show up on Facebook Marketplace today. Verified by DOT numbers on the tires I documented while installing tires a while back. They are located in south Dallas.
    Do you think the police will take time to assist or will this be something to risk looking into??

  • #2
    Unless they show back up in their jurisdiction they normally won't do more than give the south Dallas police a call.


    • #3
      Go get up shit!


      • #4
        I don't think DOT numbers are unique per tire


        • #5
          Originally posted by krazy kris View Post
          Go get up shit!
          i too, would go get up shit.
          THE BAD HOMBRE


          • #6
            Originally posted by lowthreeohz View Post
            I don't think DOT numbers are unique per tire

            They aren't unique but the last 4 digits for the date codes match even though there are two different dates I have in my records. Unique enough for me considering they are oversized unique load range E tires on my half ton rims.


            • #7
              1. Get throwaway phone

              2. Set up buy

              3. Shoot thieves in the fucking face

              4. Retrieve merchandise

              5. Delete thread


              • #8


                • #9
                  Yeah, the PD will not give 2 fucks.
                  Originally posted by Buzzo
                  Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



                  • #10
                    Get throw away phone. Set up a buy in a public location and call police once you lay eyes on the wheels/tires. Don't use your vehicle to meet them.

                    Even if police decide not to help you out in that situation, it will be probably make the crooks think before posting more stolen stuff. If enough people complain about the same "thieves", police will eventually catch on. If the police really dig into it they may search the vehicle the thieves are in and find more stolen property or tools used to commit crimes. (Crow bars, lock cutting equipment etc).


                    • #11
                      Depending on the PD they may be willing,when my car was stolen in 07' by a dfwstangs (old board) member and my shit came up for sale i set up a meet and called local PD and gave them the case number and told them the deal. The stayed around the corner while i meet up with them and my buddy was on the phone and told them it indeed was my stuff they came right it. Cops made him go to his house open the garage door and we went thru all of it,found most of stuff in there along with a car he was parting out.


                      • #12
                        I'm not saying this is what I would do, but if I was writing a movie script, this is what sounds the most bad ass with the least chance of getting shot or stabbed. Supposing DPD tells you to pound sand...

                        1. Recruit 3-5 (or more) friends, probably help if they're armed, but not strictly necessary.
                        2. Arrange a meet in a big parking lot with cameras like a Walmart or Target in a half decent part of town.
                        3. Have friends drive separately and park like normal, but near where you park to meet.
                        4. Have your phone on speaker on a group call with friends. (They can be on mute)
                        5. Verify those are your wheels/tires, making sure to unload them first.
                        6. Ask the thieves if they hear that honking noise. They look at you like a confused puppy, at which point all your friends honk at the same time from all directions.
                        7. Calmly explain that everyone that honked has a CHL and you know they stole this loot, and that they leaving right now and leaving your shit behind.

                        Originally posted by slowturbocar View Post
                        Depending on the PD they may be willing,when my car was stolen in 07' by a dfwstangs (old board) member and my shit came up for sale i set up a meet and called local PD and gave them the case number and told them the deal. The stayed around the corner while i meet up with them and my buddy was on the phone and told them it indeed was my stuff they came right it. Cops made him go to his house open the garage door and we went thru all of it,found most of stuff in there along with a car he was parting out.
                        This is the way it should happen. Hope it does for you.


                        • #13
                          They know where you live if they stole them from your house. I would let cops handle it to avoid paranoia of retribution. This way the thieves may never know you identified your stuff and sent police. I might try and call the desk Sargent at the substation in the zip code where you've seen the wheels and tell them what happened, how you're identifying these etc., and hope the thieves aren't members of dfwmustangs.


                          • #14
                            What happened to DFWM? Just setup a discreet hit via Russian Mafia, once they are done -
                            have them install wheels/tires back on vehicle by morning OR ELSE.
                            Originally posted by MR EDD
                            U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                            • #15
                              Yep, go get killed over some wheels and tires
                              2012 GT500

