If you've already reached the top (owner\owner's wife), then it sounds like your only recourse would be to blast them all over the internet. I wonder if there's any way you can convince your insurance co to withhold payment until the dispute is settled. This way they don't get anything at the moment.
Otherwise, sounds like you screwed yourself by signing papers, authorizing work, and leaving parts. I'm not saying what they did is right...definitely not.
I'd still press the issue though for as long as you can be without your truck. Try to convince them that the manufacturer calls for 8-12 hours and that your paying for experienced techs to do the work. It may have taken their tech 32 hours...so what. That doesn't mean you're paying to teach their tech how to do shit.
Otherwise, sounds like you screwed yourself by signing papers, authorizing work, and leaving parts. I'm not saying what they did is right...definitely not.
I'd still press the issue though for as long as you can be without your truck. Try to convince them that the manufacturer calls for 8-12 hours and that your paying for experienced techs to do the work. It may have taken their tech 32 hours...so what. That doesn't mean you're paying to teach their tech how to do shit.