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This has to be the worst butt dial ever...

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  • This has to be the worst butt dial ever...

    My company is doing some work at a refinery, and we carry a radio to communicate to various other folks across the plant...

    So my coworker stuck the radio and hand held mic between his seat when we went to lunch, and the damn thing was keyed up and transmitting the whole time we were in the vehicle...

    ..... transmitting everything we said to everyone on that channel.... oh let's say about 300 people heard our every word. EVERY word.. LMAO!

  • #2
    They didn't get the moans of pleasure, too, did they?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Craizie View Post
      They didn't get the moans of pleasure, too, did they?
      Nah, but they got an earful. Us singing to the radio, talking all manner of shit to each other, telling stories, bullshitting about this and that..

      And I'm quite sure several hundred F bombs, sometimes entire sentences constructed of F bombs MFer, and any other cuss word mixed in.

      When they finally found out it was us, the told us we were damn good singers, but our mouths were worse than sailors... LOL.

      And I'm talking about top brass at a major oil refinery in Louisiana...


      • #4
        Haha. Good story.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Craizie View Post
          Haha. Good story.
          Well so far we are not in trouble. We were told from now on don't carry the radio to lunch.

          But, we did tie up the channel used by the Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit that is currently undergoing a complete overhaul or "turnaround", so all the foremen, supers, safety people, forklift drivers riggers, scaffold builders, on and on... were non com for a while, I am sure. The have contingencies, no doubt but still..

          We will hear more at the safety meeting in the morning unless they choose to squash it.


          • #6
            Yesterday's lunchtime hi jinks would have gotten us run right out of there if broadcast for everyone to hear. HIGHLY inappropriate stuff.

            Somehow today we kept it free of talk about things like banging girls, past drug use, other assholes we work with, which girls we'd like to bang, squirting chicks, non of which would have been funny to the powers that be.

            It's quite normal for everyone to have a foul mouth in that environment... but you don't cuss on the radio and talking about sex, drugs, and assholes for a solid hour to hundreds of people would not have had a positive outcome, LOL !


            • #7
              ask them to program your radio to unkey after something like 180 seconds.. just for that reason. thats how all the stuff i work on is configured.

              i butt dialed 911 7 times one day when i was pressure washing my truck, apparently the lock screen i was using made it super easy to do so. they had called back a few times and left me voicemails asking me to contact them asap.. lol oops


              • #8
                liked you better as a porn dissapoint


                • #9
                  Set the radio so it gives a tone when you key the mic, we wear motorolas at work and occasionally someone will accidentally key their shit up when working on something. I was standing next to a guy that was having a conversation over the radio and thought it would be funny to give them an interesting background noise. So, while he was talking I said "...but she likes it in the butt." While he was talking. He caught it but no one else heard it.


                  • #10
                    did you tell 'em a dirty story?


                    • #11
                      Monday's lunchtime was out of control. The guy I work with just can't shut up, tells tall tales all day long, it's hilarious. I just egg him on and laugh at him, it's all I can do really, otherwise I'd resent him..

                      Monday at lunch we were talking about girls at the plant we though were hot, calling them my name, describing their assets in detail, then we talked about a pharmacist that I knew years ago that could make dilaudid suppositories, morphine and pharmaceutical cocaine suppositories (yes I tried them both, yes if you're a dopehead they are off the chain..) and various other crass subjects that would have had us packing for the door.

                      And, there is no requesting custom programming for us on the radio they let us borrow. Yes there is an alert when you key up, one tone for channel is clear, and another for when you're walking on someone else.. standard stuff really.

                      Anyway, just two guys on the road talking about shit that guys talk about, but unfortunate that the whole plant heard it, LOL!


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          They heard us both singing, in key, I might add, a Foreigner song... I can't even remember which one, it was on the radio. Then we saw a Volkswagen, and we started talking about how my family / my cousins, all had Volkswagens.. buses, a squareback, a Carmengia, and from there how my cousin Gary was one of the first ever to be in Skateboard Magazine, and my other Cousin Greg almost was in the 1980 Olympics, and other miscellaneous subjects. Relatively tame, but tons of profanity..


                          • #14
                            just wait for the surprise drug test! haha


                            • #15
                              "So I was blasting this chick in the shitbox on a boat once..."

