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  • #16
    Originally posted by sc281 View Post
    Wrestling with that thought now. I'm doing some basic stuff on my 2000 Silverado RCSB to get it looking nice, but I'm constantly thinking about putting money into it.

    Like the paint, for example. I'm spending money to put a new oem grille and upper bumper plastic on it and have it painted body color along with painting a panel behind the pass door, which is $650. But while doing that I'm noticing the rock chips on the hood, the hail dents in the rear quarter, and the condition of the original paint that while good looking at 10 feet, is showing it's age with all the little things that have accumulated over the years.

    Along with what I'm sure is good amount of deferred maintenance, I'm trying to decide whether to put the money into it, or bite the bullet and buy s newer truck.
    if you sell that truck, holler at me.


    • #17
      Originally posted by sdun View Post
      I've got an 06 rcsb Silverado that I decided to keep so I got it heads, cam, and a single 76mm.

      Stock sucks even for old people.
      What kind of numbers are you seeing on that? 5.3?


      • #18
        Originally posted by naynay View Post
        if you sell that truck, holler at me.
        Will do.


        • #19
          Like others, I just don't like new cars. The only truck that has my interest that is new is the 2017-2018 bronco if it ever comes and I wont be paying 50k+ for it. I'll wait 20 years I guess and pick it up when I'm 57..4

          I have old trucks because I can keep them running. Parts are cheap. Not a lot of wiring.. No payments, cheap insurance.. I'm not making bad money, no kids, and no wife and I still cant see myself getting into a 500+ a month car payment, just to turn it over 3 years later when warranty is up for a new one..

          A lot of these new cars, when out of warranty 3-6 years down the line will break your pockets and total the vehicle when the transmission goes out. (Jaguar, ect)


          • #20
            I really miss the simplicity of older trucks. If I could find a sub 100k mile 12v, I'd buy it. The problem is that most are beat to death, and the cost vs value equation gets out of whack.


            • #21
              White one is getting new motor right now 260k on body, Blue one is cherry and only 140k, but is getting cammed LS when I get tired of this one.


              • #22
                Originally posted by sdun View Post
                I've got an 06 rcsb Silverado that I decided to keep so I got it heads, cam, and a single 76mm.

                Stock sucks even for old people.

                It would have a turbo kit already if it didn't have a transfer case in the way


                • #23
                  I am about to put my 2005 Dodge 2500 4X4 up for sale. 170k miles, new tires and some other shit. Overall in decent shape but has hail damage on roof, hood and driver's side. I am the original owner and I wouldn't hesitate to get in it and drive to Canada. It has a bully dog box with it and zooms around town pretty good. I would take $10k for it.

                  I bought a 2016 to replace it and while it pulls a little better and has some fancy shit like an exhaust brake, the new truck just doesn't have the spring in its step like the old one does. The old 2005 will move like a sports car if you tell it to.
                  Originally posted by racrguy
                  What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                  Originally posted by racrguy
                  Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                  • #24
                    SRW al?
                    THE BAD HOMBRE


                    • #25
                      At the end of the day, the real question here is if it is worth it to you. If it is, then go for it and be happy. However I will caveat that by saying there is no peace of mind here. It's a 23 year old truck, something is gonna break. Beyond that I have nothing negative to say about your plans.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by naynay View Post
                        SRW al?
                        Seeing how it's a 3/4 ton...


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy View Post
                          Seeing how it's a 3/4 ton...
                          quoted because im not sure if you bumped your head in the last wreck or if you realize they make SRW and DRW 3/4 and 1 tons..
                          THE BAD HOMBRE


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by naynay View Post
                            quoted because im not sure if you bumped your head in the last wreck or if you realize they make SRW and DRW 3/4 and 1 tons..

                            Good deal if it's a diesel but I doubt it since the cummins resales so well. If it's the gasser you would be doing really well to get 10k for it even if it's a crew cab.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by naynay View Post
                              quoted because im not sure if you bumped your head in the last wreck or if you realize they make SRW and DRW 3/4 and 1 tons..
                              dodge makes a 3/4 ton dually? guess im not familiar. link?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Baba Ganoush View Post
                                It's an old truck and no matter how much $$$$ you throw at it, something will still break. I'd spend as little as possible while still building it how I want it.

                                Then again, you might drive the older truck for 8 months or a year, doing only oil changes, and not having truck payments. With my 87 chevy, that seems to be the way it goes. I'll drive it for a long time with no issues, then all the sudden it tries to take a nose dive into POS ville. I'll fix several things, then drive it again for a long time with no issues. Right now I have to do fuel tank switching valve, headlights, headliner, and power window regulator.

