Originally posted by Smurfette
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You don't even get UP early unless there is kid duty or work... whatevah....
And I make dinner quite a bit... So stow it Blondie!... and get me a drink... and rub my back....
(ya gotta keep em in line or they'll start having crazy ideas about leaving the house or having the right to vote...) LOL
Anyway, here's a news flash that I have learned in the nearly 40 years I've had on this earth:
Most men are selfish, sex-obsessed assholes at times...
Most women are neurotic, emotional, needy bitches at times....
It's in the internal wiring.
The big difference is in the details, how often it happens, and how much you care about the other person to look past the crap and\or baggage and see them for who they are as a person.
A good relationship is the BEST thing in the world... It is also WORK.
Just like a car, it requires regular maintenance, a jump start now and then, and if you're in it for the long haul, maybe a new paint job.
Every once in a while, it will break down and leave you stranded.... You will curse and lose your mind at times... but if you truly give a shit, you'll change the tire and repair that radiator hose and keep driving.
For all of us, both men and women, we all want someone that will keep driving us and keep us on the road....