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Texas gets $160K in child support linked to car registration

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
    I didn't pay CS on 3 of my kids..

    Damnit! That's cool. I didn't make the commitment :P


    • #32
      Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
      How about you morons wrap that cock up in some rubber membrane so you don't ever have to pay ANY scandalous whore, ANY monies...
      Some of these people were married then divorced dumbass, did they know at the time that would happen??? Probably my case the relationship didn't work out the way it should have. I'm not bitching about having to pay money,just bitching about the fucked up system.


      • #33
        The child support system in this state is a crock of crap at it's best. It's designed to punish dead beat dads and treats everyone like a deadbeat dad.

        I've paid over 100K in child support to date (1 child now 17). I pay takes on it first too, and she has no accountability for how it gets used. She could use it to buy cocaine and throw blow parties for her friends on a yacht and I'd have no recourse.

        I've paid 100% of Jr.s medical, 100% of his dental, 100% of his extra curricular activities and most other things. She does love to buy him clothes and iphones thank goodness.

        To take her to court to reclaim my losses would cost way too much, take too long, and there is no guarantee I'd win.

        As a result, so Jr. can attend a better school, he has lived with me the past 3 years now. And since I have a judgement for child support (an eforceable fucking court order), I pay the ****** anyway.

        I'm glad this shit show comes to an end this summer when he turns 18.

        Child support is just another communist fucking imposed libtard piece of shit law because some cocksuckers can't be men and take care of their kids. Fuck the libtards and piece of shit dead beat dads. I fucking hate all of you.


        • #34
          Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
          The child support system in this state is a crock of crap at it's best. It's designed to punish dead beat dads and treats everyone like a deadbeat dad.

          I've paid over 100K in child support to date (1 child now 17). I pay takes on it first too, and she has no accountability for how it gets used. She could use it to buy cocaine and throw blow parties for her friends on a yacht and I'd have no recourse.

          I've paid 100% of Jr.s medical, 100% of his dental, 100% of his extra curricular activities and most other things. She does love to buy him clothes and iphones thank goodness.

          To take her to court to reclaim my losses would cost way too much, take too long, and there is no guarantee I'd win.

          As a result, so Jr. can attend a better school, he has lived with me the past 3 years now. And since I have a judgement for child support (an eforceable fucking court order), I pay the ****** anyway.

          I'm glad this shit show comes to an end this summer when he turns 18.

          Child support is just another communist fucking imposed libtard piece of shit law because some cocksuckers can't be men and take care of their kids. Fuck the libtards and piece of shit dead beat dads. I fucking hate all of you.
          Jesus fucking christ.....

          Don't go all Alex Jones on us. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's communist or a liberal thing. Pull your head out of your ass.


          • #35
            ^^^ i fell you AnthonyS , i was paying mine directly to her for the first 2 years and everything was good. Bitch went crazy and stated demanding well over 50% of my income so she took me to court. After it was all said and done she was getting $200 a month less than before lol. 5 more years......


            • #36
              Originally posted by racrguy View Post
              Jesus fucking christ.....Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's communist or a liberal thing.


              Said the communist liberal.

              Just sayin..


              • #37
                Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                Jesus fucking christ.....

                Don't go all Alex Jones on us. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's communist or a liberal thing. Pull your head out of your ass.
                Yes it's fucking commie liberal bullshit wealth redistribution crap. Fuck you libtard. I've paid over 100k in child support and I know for a fact less than half was used to support my son. It's a Ponzi scheme at best.

                SNAP... fucking $100B a year and there are still starving kids because there is no fucking oversight too. If I gave $50 billion a year to private food pantries I could feed all of north and South Americas poor. You govt nuthuggers are the problem.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
                  Yes it's fucking commie liberal bullshit wealth redistribution crap. Fuck you libtard. I've paid over 100k in child support and I know for a fact less than half was used to support my son. It's a Ponzi scheme at best.

                  SNAP... fucking $100B a year and there are still starving kids because there is no fucking oversight too. If I gave $50 billion a year to private food pantries I could feed all of north and South Americas poor. You govt nuthuggers are the problem.
                  Clearly objectivity isn't your strong suit. Carry on, dolt. I'm only disappointed you procreated, thereby diluting an already weakened gene pool. I hope your kid is more capable of rational thought than you are.


                  • #39
                    Sig check
                    Originally posted by racrguy
                    What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                    Originally posted by racrguy
                    Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                      Clearly objectivity isn't your strong suit. Carry on, dolt. I'm only disappointed you procreated, thereby diluting an already weakened gene pool. I hope your kid is more capable of rational thought than you are.

                      Read this, learn something.



                      • #41
                        Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                        Clearly objectivity isn't your strong suit. Carry on, dolt. I'm only disappointed you procreated, thereby diluting an already weakened gene pool. I hope your kid is more capable of rational thought than you are.
                        Fuck you, you lying sack of shit liberal communist fuckwad. You are a brainwashed blithering sack of shit. My dogs are smarter than you are. You are about as smart as most of the stuff I throw out as trash. Liberals are the ones fucking up the gene pool. California, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago.... all havens for fuckwads like you.

                        You wouldn't know objectivity if it got elected President, built a wall, and tossed your ass over it like you deserve. Liberals are the most racist, least objective, most irrational, most condescending pieces of shit on this planet. You live in a social bubble of retarded groupthink where you actually believe you know better than everyone else how to fix everything. Yet most of liberals can't even change a fucking lightbulb, much less build a car or a road, which is why Jose has to do it for you.

                        Your arguments never have facts or even theories just lies you actually believe.

                        I submit to the fact that California, Chicago, Baltimore, and Detroit are all shitholes with excess crime, poverty, and deeply indebted thanks to libtards like you. You can take your social justice programs that don't work and fund them from your own fucking accounts and leave mine alone. Why should I have to find some bitches vacation habits, party habits, bad check habits, etc just because we had a kid? I take better care of that kid than you do, his mom does, or the state does. Fuck your very much with a rusty machete.


                        • #42
                          Niggas be going off the wall up in here lately.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
                            Fuck you, you lying sack of shit liberal communist fuckwad. You are a brainwashed blithering sack of shit. My dogs are smarter than you are. You are about as smart as most of the stuff I throw out as trash. Liberals are the ones fucking up the gene pool. California, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago.... all havens for fuckwads like you.

                            You wouldn't know objectivity if it got elected President, built a wall, and tossed your ass over it like you deserve. Liberals are the most racist, least objective, most irrational, most condescending pieces of shit on this planet. You live in a social bubble of retarded groupthink where you actually believe you know better than everyone else how to fix everything. Yet most of liberals can't even change a fucking lightbulb, much less build a car or a road, which is why Jose has to do it for you.

                            Your arguments never have facts or even theories just lies you actually believe.

                            I submit to the fact that California, Chicago, Baltimore, and Detroit are all shitholes with excess crime, poverty, and deeply indebted thanks to libtards like you. You can take your social justice programs that don't work and fund them from your own fucking accounts and leave mine alone. Why should I have to find some bitches vacation habits, party habits, bad check habits, etc just because we had a kid? I take better care of that kid than you do, his mom does, or the state does. Fuck your very much with a rusty machete.
                            golf clap


                            • #44
                              I was thinking about this. How much is the AG taking off the top. I verified with my son's mom and she gets the full thing. I asked a lady friend and she gets the whole amount as well. Both cases are through the AG and are garnished at the workplace. I have never heard of the AG keeping a slice.

                              I did find it funny that my employer charged me a fee to garnish me because of the AG.

                              Anyway, I was thinking that maybe court fees or something might be due and they are keeping that to pay back a court appointed attorney or something.

                              Can someone clarify this?


                              • #45
                                My ex gets full amt too. It just takes 4 wks once started. We both paid our attorneys so it is probably a court fee. If I pay her direct she gets it early and even get $3 extra s month because I prefer round numbers. I'm all about taking care of my kids. It's funding her Christmas trip to Hawaii that pisses me off. And then having some jackass lefty trying to justify it because we had a kid.....

                                I have a spreadsheet detailing every cent I've paid since the day we divorced. I know that this summer it will be 113k total when done. That puts me around 108k to date. She was supposed to pay half his driver's ed too.... I paid that, bought his truck, insure it....

                                And to top it off. When he lived with his mom his grades were 70..... just being passed to move on. Got a report card yesterday and lowest grade now is 84. Yet some Libtard is trying to tell me I'm doing it wrong. He and his very little sister are playing in the snow right now. He will also be at his job tomorrow working his shift. He's a good kid. I just didn't pick a very good first wife.

