I had my Cobra up for sale because with the CL coming back and the new (to me) Acura that it really wont get used much. I start it up Friday and its battery is dead. Whatever, it happens. I go to take it back to work Monday and it sounds like the battery is weak as it starts but something isnt right....cant put my finger on it. Get a few hundred feet down the road and the engine all the sudden sounds like marbles in a dryer. So I shut it down and tow it in. I am figuring ring lands on 2&3 cause thats the missfire and its noise on the top end passenger side. I do some calculations and come to the conclusion it will be better (less loss) to sell it as a roller than to replace the motor.
Guy I sold it to has already opened her up. Passenger bank secondary chain broke as well as the cam gear and that broke the cam which sent valves into the pistons and scard the walls.
Damn, really liked that car and she was a beauty plus its engine never gave a hint of issues.
So I have the E55 sold and dude is coming next week from Ohio to get it. Hes a friend and I want to make sure the car is solid. Well turns out the reason its now pulling to the right is because the control arm bushings took a vacation. Super, we already agreed on a price and I wasnt about to jack it up on him but I went ahead and threw almost a grand of new parts at it and alignment. Next morning cars battery then takes a dump..... BOTH of them. Hate this car. So there goes another $300.
After I do this we get slammed so I cant work on its no heater issue. I know what it is (well thought I did) and had the part so I drop it off at Benz knowing its only 1.4 hour book time to fix. Well car had different plans. Turns out there are 13 mode doors in the dash and 5 actuators failed so dash had to come out and that will be $2600.......*cries* They call me a couple days latter to say only one door had failed and that the valve was weak so since I gave them the part they installed it so its only $600. Kinda think it was just the valve but I pulled the center stack and could see a new actuator on on of the many many blend doors.
Since the car has broken nearly every time it goes out I decide to not drive it AT ALL.
But this last Wed night I am asked by a dozen friends to bring it out to the car meet for pictures. I am hesitant to do this but my buddy (whos buying the car) says to bring it. Fine. As I leave the meet it gives me a warning "Convenience features disabled due to charge" and then the climate control, the stereo, non-essential gauges, ambient lighting and whatever else is not needed shuts down. 10 seconds latter gauges turn red and the screen says "Charging failure, brake system failure in 5 minutes" Dafuq?
So I am by my shop and I hook the scanner up and see (new record for me) 122 error codes.
I see there is no charge and think fine, $140 alt. Whatever.
So I leave it there and figure I will work on it the next morning. Get it in the air and realize the alt change is a fugging cee u next thursday. I also notice I can spin the belt by hand.....Dafuq? Crankshaft pulley is spinning freely. Turns out dipchit that had the car prior reused the damn TTY bolt and it backed out enough for the crank pulley to slid forward and destroy the keyway. So I am staring at this car just MF'ing it and out of freakin nowhere the heat exchanger for the intercooler just starts pissing on me.
I turn on the pump and sure enough the heat-exchanger spit out of a couple of its fins. Hadnt leaked a drop ever and it decided "screw it, since you are in this area working on crap....." Shops too busy and with surgery next week I just dont have the time so I sent it over to Mercedes so they can install a pin/dowel kit in the pulley and change the crappy Eurocharged cooler for a stock AMG one. Since last weeks bill for it was only $600 for the heater to work where they first quoted $2600 I was fine with letting them do it.
Well tonight I figure I will take the nice reliable Acura out for dinner. Car has other plans. Battery is dead. Fine whats a third battery in a week, right? Jump it and get a low tire warning. See that 3 tires are really low and then notice its because they are 7 years old and dry rotted on the treads which also feel hard as a rock. So guess that will be tomorrows fun. Needed to do an oil change anyway. Guy said it was just done, computer says 98% but the black oil tells other stories.
On the bright side the CL is done and will be here tomorrow morning. It is being sent on a safe tune and then they will fly down in a couple weeks and throw it on a dyno that bolts to the hubs because as soon as it hits 800rwhp it sends the tires up in a haze due to the 1000+ rwtq. So tuner just wants to verify the 2-3 and 3-4 WOT shift cause he cant do it on the road. Car will be at 120 and at half throttle it just hazes the tires he said.
So all kinds of car fun!
Guy I sold it to has already opened her up. Passenger bank secondary chain broke as well as the cam gear and that broke the cam which sent valves into the pistons and scard the walls.
Damn, really liked that car and she was a beauty plus its engine never gave a hint of issues.
So I have the E55 sold and dude is coming next week from Ohio to get it. Hes a friend and I want to make sure the car is solid. Well turns out the reason its now pulling to the right is because the control arm bushings took a vacation. Super, we already agreed on a price and I wasnt about to jack it up on him but I went ahead and threw almost a grand of new parts at it and alignment. Next morning cars battery then takes a dump..... BOTH of them. Hate this car. So there goes another $300.
After I do this we get slammed so I cant work on its no heater issue. I know what it is (well thought I did) and had the part so I drop it off at Benz knowing its only 1.4 hour book time to fix. Well car had different plans. Turns out there are 13 mode doors in the dash and 5 actuators failed so dash had to come out and that will be $2600.......*cries* They call me a couple days latter to say only one door had failed and that the valve was weak so since I gave them the part they installed it so its only $600. Kinda think it was just the valve but I pulled the center stack and could see a new actuator on on of the many many blend doors.
Since the car has broken nearly every time it goes out I decide to not drive it AT ALL.
But this last Wed night I am asked by a dozen friends to bring it out to the car meet for pictures. I am hesitant to do this but my buddy (whos buying the car) says to bring it. Fine. As I leave the meet it gives me a warning "Convenience features disabled due to charge" and then the climate control, the stereo, non-essential gauges, ambient lighting and whatever else is not needed shuts down. 10 seconds latter gauges turn red and the screen says "Charging failure, brake system failure in 5 minutes" Dafuq?

So I leave it there and figure I will work on it the next morning. Get it in the air and realize the alt change is a fugging cee u next thursday. I also notice I can spin the belt by hand.....Dafuq? Crankshaft pulley is spinning freely. Turns out dipchit that had the car prior reused the damn TTY bolt and it backed out enough for the crank pulley to slid forward and destroy the keyway. So I am staring at this car just MF'ing it and out of freakin nowhere the heat exchanger for the intercooler just starts pissing on me.

Well tonight I figure I will take the nice reliable Acura out for dinner. Car has other plans. Battery is dead. Fine whats a third battery in a week, right? Jump it and get a low tire warning. See that 3 tires are really low and then notice its because they are 7 years old and dry rotted on the treads which also feel hard as a rock. So guess that will be tomorrows fun. Needed to do an oil change anyway. Guy said it was just done, computer says 98% but the black oil tells other stories.
On the bright side the CL is done and will be here tomorrow morning. It is being sent on a safe tune and then they will fly down in a couple weeks and throw it on a dyno that bolts to the hubs because as soon as it hits 800rwhp it sends the tires up in a haze due to the 1000+ rwtq. So tuner just wants to verify the 2-3 and 3-4 WOT shift cause he cant do it on the road. Car will be at 120 and at half throttle it just hazes the tires he said.
So all kinds of car fun!