The dead shooter pic was interesting but I'm more interested in the ad at the bottom of the page showing 2 bikini, mud covered Asians sneeking out of North korea...someone has to help those girls.
I wish the entire video would be released...seems strange to me he was the only one in the room under such tensions with a weapon. Then he was able to stand around preaching for a few minutes before he was dropped? Was there a gun fight or did he just stand there and take it?
Maybe Putin did it to justify what he is about to do in Turkey.
Or maybe someone on our side did it to keep the Russians and Turks from getting too friendly. There are plenty of players on the field that don't want the Turks and Russians working together.
The dead shooter pic was interesting but I'm more interested in the ad at the bottom of the page showing 2 bikini, mud covered Asians sneeking out of North korea...someone has to help those girls.
If this doesn't constitute Casus Belli then I don't know what does.
WAR! What iiiis it good for? North Korean Tittays!!