Last night, getting gas on South Cooper in Arlington.
Nice looking Challenger with 2 twenty-something girls in the front pulls up in front of me.
Driver: Hey can you help me out? I don't have enough gas to get home.
Me: Sorry, can't help ya. Nice car though.
Driver: (with full sincerity) Thanks! It's a 2016. Cheap too. Only $800 a month. [drives away]
I doubt this girl can spell irony, let alone understand what it means. And here I am feeling like an asshole because I have a $200/mo car payment.
Nice looking Challenger with 2 twenty-something girls in the front pulls up in front of me.
Driver: Hey can you help me out? I don't have enough gas to get home.
Me: Sorry, can't help ya. Nice car though.
Driver: (with full sincerity) Thanks! It's a 2016. Cheap too. Only $800 a month. [drives away]

I doubt this girl can spell irony, let alone understand what it means. And here I am feeling like an asshole because I have a $200/mo car payment.