Anyone still want a piece of Evan Smith? lol
Don't forget that we're having an Open House at MM&FF Command Central on Thursday March 3, 2011. We're going to have some of our current project cars on display, including one on the chassis dyno. We'll also have food, drinks, and a couple of MM&FF ladies. Come join us at 9036 Brittany Way, Tampa, FL 33619 from 11:30-2:00. Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords Magazine
Don't forget that we're having an Open House at MM&FF Command Central on Thursday March 3, 2011. We're going to have some of our current project cars on display, including one on the chassis dyno. We'll also have food, drinks, and a couple of MM&FF ladies. Come join us at 9036 Brittany Way, Tampa, FL 33619 from 11:30-2:00. Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords Magazine