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Ever just have a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day... or couple of weeks?

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  • Ever just have a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day... or couple of weeks?

    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, I'm feeling like the guy in white these days:

    Anyone else need a beer? Or a new job? Or a 6-8 week sabbatical to disappear in the mountains?

  • #2
    Hang in there, bro. I know how you feel, but there's a light ahead. I got back in town last night from being gone all week...and leave tonight. I was ready to choke someone yesterday at work because of a screw up, and I know this coming week is going to be even worse, but I just try to keep moving forward and get back to my family. Grab a cold one an unplug for a bit.


    • #3
      Originally posted by juiceweezl View Post
      Hang in there, bro. I know how you feel, but there's a light ahead. I got back in town last night from being gone all week...and leave tonight. I was ready to choke someone yesterday at work because of a screw up, and I know this coming week is going to be even worse, but I just try to keep moving forward and get back to my family. Grab a cold one an unplug for a bit.
      I feel ya. last week I was home for 8 hours (6 of which were sleeping), and I'm leaving tomorrow morning for another week (in Odessa fucking TX of all places), and I could most fucking definitely choke someone at work - it would be my boss though so i probably shouldn't lol. I have seriously thought about pulling a Scarface:

      For anyone I don't know, don't read too much into my post, it's not a cry for help or anything. My wife is fucking amazing and if I had any time for friends I know I've got some badasses out there. I just need a break from writing cover letters and tweaking the resume and sometimes typing shit out helps. Maybe this is when i finally jump ship and move up to CO...


      • #4
        I am right there with ya on all three, I will be boarding a plane for Bend Oregon on the 20th to see what the place is all about. I am like you, a ok but damn things have been fucked up for the past month or so. If you want a beer I bet I will be getting Greenbullet (Paul) drunk tonight at his casa and working on stuff.


        • #5
          I'm having a beer for ya!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Scott Mc View Post
            If you want a beer I bet I will be getting Greenbullet (Paul) drunk tonight at his casa and working on stuff.
            I totally would... I haven't seen him since the whiskeyfest at Keith's house, but I'm home tonight. I need an evening with my bride before leaving town to get my ass kicked again.


            • #7
              No worries get it brotha!


              • #8
                I'm wrapping up the 1st week of 3 on a business trip in a country where beer is illegal. I miss my wife, my kids, my cars and my fridge. I did get a promotion recently though and hopefully it comes with a raise.....,


                • #9
                  I'm having a rough couple of weeks, thought it was just me.


                  • #10
                    I feel like that everyday but I just get drunk, sleep it off and count my blessings.(on my bad days) It could always be worse.


                    • #11
                      Truth about counting blessings....


                      • #12
                        I feel like all I've done is work my ass off with small breaks of family time.
                        Xander is 2 and a half years old now. If I added up all of the days I've actually been able to hold him, he'd only be about 4 months old.

                        C'est la vie.
                        We're all relatively healthy, well fed, decent cars, nice house, animals are well taken care of, and Kristen doesn't have to work.

                        It could be a fuckton worse.


                        • #13
                          i say move to colorado. Then find some good elk spots, then ill hit ya uo for a visit lol.

                          head high man, sometimes you just do what you have to do. You have always seemed to do well for yourself so what ever decision you make im sure it will be another step up in your journey.


                          • #14
                            Man I hear ya.

                            We had a guy straight up quit on us at work. I'm dealing with messes he left behind, basically flying blind. Had a client get pissed off for me asking for more signatures on something because the guy didn't provide everything the first time around.

                            Been like that all week.


                            • #15
                              Sometimes it's a struggle to put one foot in front of the other. I just keep grinding. I'll be done with my JD in May. May 12th, graduation starting at 12pm. I'm beyond done with this shit, and find myself in a position where I'm working harder, longer, and spreading myself thinner than I thought possible, for the hope of something. Then I have to start bar prepping May 17th, and grind my dick off for 10 weeks, and hope with everything that I don't shit the bed on the bar exam in what is basically a pressed-down/jammed into a 10 week window version of law school all over again.

                              All that goes well, I'll hopefully pass, and get licensed in November. I have a few job prospects, but haven't really started hammering down, because I need to compartmentalize and finish one thing before moving on to the next. But damned if I'm not tired of sitting in a fucking library, and reading all the time, analyzing shit that doesn't make sense and is worded in a way to just mind-fuck everyone.

