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DMN likes Clinton....

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  • DMN likes Clinton....

    The antagonistic Liberal mind set of the DMN is on display in every issue on the Op-Ed page and has been for years...

    I get it, Trump is a not a conventional Republican and an obnoxious arrogant buffoon to boot, but to endorse Clinton (over a neutral position) is just unconscionable... it's a slap in the face to most of the readers that have supported their news paper (and jobs) over the years.

    Is it any wonder in a community of mostly conservative values of over 6 million population, the DMN continues to lose readers every day with their idiotic opinions.

    I used to be so proud to say I'm from Dallas... but now, it pleases me to say how happy I am to be away from there.

    What say y'all DFWMs?


  • #2
    I remember quite a few saying TX would never be a democrat state, that was before a large influx of democrats though. Maybe not this election, but I could see it changing.
    Originally posted by MR EDD
    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


    • #3
      I don't claim Dallas.. I claim Fort Worth! Tarrant County fo lyfe.


      • #4
        According to some poll hillary is beating Trump in Texas right now. I find that laughable. These polls are such bs


        • #5
          Originally posted by D. Lil View Post
          According to some poll hillary is beating Trump in Texas right now. I find that laughable. These polls are such bs
          Yea isn't that crazy? I don't know everyone in the state, but I can't honestly say that I know less than 5 people who are voting for H.


          • #6
            Newspapers are so yesterday, and no longer relevant in modern society.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Chili View Post
              I don't claim Dallas.. I claim Fort Worth!



              • #8
                Prosper, yo!


                • #9
                  Texas will go blue again soon enough


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      I dont understand how anyone would be willing to vote for Hilary Clinton after all the serious issues brought up against her in recent years. Running a private email server for official government business to me is something not redeemable, especially with how hard we've been on whistle blowers lately with top secret information being leaked. A public servants emails should all be on file and record and not pick and chosen to what they want the record to show they sent. Then you have the whole rigid DNC crap. It baffles me. To top it off, the black vote always going to democrats also blows my mind seeing as all the movements right now basically say nothings changed in the last 60 years even though a majority of it has been under democratic rule. Like most I dont care for our two party system, I also think our government no longer reflects the needs of its people, representation needs to change now that it is easier than ever to get a pulse on the individual wants. Having basically 1,000 people in the executive branch represent the needs of 330+ million people seems archaic.


                      • #12
                        Most people are not casting a vote for the candidate that they want. They are convinced that they are voting against the candidate that they don't want.


                        • #13
                          As a lifetime subscriber of newsprint, I will be dropping the DMN when it runs out. Kinda sad. Times change. Will miss sitting on the back patio with coffee reading the newsprint.

                          I have noted that DMN has become a liberal birdcage liner.

                          Miss the Dallas Times Herald in the evening.


                          • #14
                            So the news isn't reporting the news, it's making its own news.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mardyn View Post

                              I used to be so proud to say I'm from Dallas... but now, it pleases me to say how happy I am to be away from there.
                              I used to, but now I say i'm from Collin County, If they know where that is I tell them where I live, but other than that, fuck Dallas. Their School system has been fucked for many years, as soon as that cock sucker made it onto the city council, I knew Dallas would never be the same. And the entire freeway system is a joke.

                              Originally posted by Kart21 View Post

                              Miss the Dallas Times Herald in the evening.
                              This is the damned truth, I started receiving the DMN since we had no other paper in Dallas, but I cancelled my subscription about 10 years ago.
                              Originally posted by Silverback
                              Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.

