Some people here know I foster dogs for a Weimaraner rescue here in Texas and have even had a foster failure that's the best dog I've ever had. I was working the incoming email this week for the group as people notify us when there is a Weim at the pound or owner surrenders etc. 3 weeks ago I got an email about a dog that was part of an animal abuse case where a guy was arrested after being seen kicking the dog so hard he was lifted off the ground. He was in bad shape and ended up passing away due to a terrible heartworm infestation 3 days after the rescue group got him. This type of shit really bothers me and seriously put me in a piss poor mood.
Fast forward to yesterday I get an email for this sweet girl who was adopted out by the Humane society and then returned this week due to being "destructive outside". If you know anything about Weim's, they are high energy dogs that need attention/exercise/something to keep them busy. If you just put them in the yard, they will find something to do which usually involves digging or chewing if they don't have the proper toys. She shows multiple signs of abuse (cuts in the face and some on the paw that require stiches). I am not at a place where I can foster her long term but I did volunteer to spring her ASAP so she isn't stuck in a kennel after being abused/dropped back off. I will be picking her up around 2-3 PM today and fostering her short term until I can make the drive to get her to her permanent foster home in Austin. The Weim Rescue that I work with is asking for donations/sponsors to cover some of the costs. I'll post pics of her "freedom ride" where I plan to get her a cheeseburger as soon as possible to show her that she deserves treats and not abuse. If you are able, please do if you feel inclined. If not, thanks for viewing and just give your pets an extra belly rub or scratch behind the ears.
This is the email copy/paste the Weim Rescue Texas group sent out.
"Weim Friends,
We need sponsors to bring this sweet girl into rescue to provide for her care. She has a foster home waiting. Here is how you can help:
1 sponsorship is available at each level.
Naming Sponsor: $300 - The honor of naming this girl!
Medical Care for wounds: $150 - She has cuts on her face and one foot has a deep wound
Medical Supplies: $50 - Supplies to help her heal
Exam: $25 - Our vet will ensure she is healthy
Microchip: $10 - So she is never homeless again
You can Sponsor via the "Donate" button on our website. In the notes, please include "Sponsorship". First to donate gets the honor of the sponsorship, so go now!"
Fast forward to yesterday I get an email for this sweet girl who was adopted out by the Humane society and then returned this week due to being "destructive outside". If you know anything about Weim's, they are high energy dogs that need attention/exercise/something to keep them busy. If you just put them in the yard, they will find something to do which usually involves digging or chewing if they don't have the proper toys. She shows multiple signs of abuse (cuts in the face and some on the paw that require stiches). I am not at a place where I can foster her long term but I did volunteer to spring her ASAP so she isn't stuck in a kennel after being abused/dropped back off. I will be picking her up around 2-3 PM today and fostering her short term until I can make the drive to get her to her permanent foster home in Austin. The Weim Rescue that I work with is asking for donations/sponsors to cover some of the costs. I'll post pics of her "freedom ride" where I plan to get her a cheeseburger as soon as possible to show her that she deserves treats and not abuse. If you are able, please do if you feel inclined. If not, thanks for viewing and just give your pets an extra belly rub or scratch behind the ears.
This is the email copy/paste the Weim Rescue Texas group sent out.
"Weim Friends,
We need sponsors to bring this sweet girl into rescue to provide for her care. She has a foster home waiting. Here is how you can help:
1 sponsorship is available at each level.
Naming Sponsor: $300 - The honor of naming this girl!
Medical Care for wounds: $150 - She has cuts on her face and one foot has a deep wound
Medical Supplies: $50 - Supplies to help her heal
Exam: $25 - Our vet will ensure she is healthy
Microchip: $10 - So she is never homeless again
You can Sponsor via the "Donate" button on our website. In the notes, please include "Sponsorship". First to donate gets the honor of the sponsorship, so go now!"
