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Replace the battery in my old school 4S iphone?

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  • Replace the battery in my old school 4S iphone?

    It appears it's approaching time for a new battery in my old, hand me down, 4S iphone.

    Anybody have any tips on where to buy and what's the easiest way to proceed with such a project? or just buy one from Amazon and get busy with it?

    What say you DFWM?


  • #2
    Includes everything you need to do the job.


    • #3
      I tried on a second-hand iPhone 5 and failed. Be very careful when prying the screen up from the phone case, since I got the pry tool between the screen and the screen bracket rather than behind the bracket itself. The whole process is straightforward though so I would recommend you give it a try.

      <<<<< now have 6s plus and would take it to Apple before attempting it on this phone.


      • #4
        The increased performance of a new phone is worth the price of admission. Turn your 4s into a coaster and thank me later.


        • #5
          Originally posted by BLAKE View Post
          The increased performance of a new phone is worth the price of admission. Turn your 4s into a coaster and thank me later.
          Yeah, I know...

          I'm at the bottom of the iphone feeding chain over here.

          My daughter gets the new stuff first, then the wife, then I get the hand me downs. I'm in line for a new, hand me down 6S as soon as the new 7 version is released... but that may be a while.

          My 4S does everything I need at this point, so I'm not hurting too bad...but the 4 year old battery is starting to have some issues and I thought for $15.00 it would be worth the gamble for a new one to extend the life of the phone a little while longer.

          and yeah, I could probably afford a new iphone "what ever #".. but as eluded to in a previous thread, I'm tight (aka cheap), I love to get all the value out everything I own before I give up and buy something new.

          I'm still squeezing that last bit of tooth paste out of last months tube... same thing with the old school 4S.



          • #6
            We're very similar in that regard. I'm cheap as hell. It's only because my company pays for my phone (and is upgraded every year) that I've come to appreciate how game-changing it is to have the latest and greatest. If left to my own devices (hahah, get it, devices? anyway...) I'd only upgrade every two years or soe.

            It's just that the newer, faster stuff makes day-to-day life so much better. I live on this phone though, so your milage may vary.


            • #7
              Originally posted by The King View Post
              I tried on a second-hand iPhone 5 and failed. Be very careful when prying the screen up from the phone case
              The 4S is about a million times easier than the 5 and later. You don't need to remove the screen at all. The two hex screws on either side of the charge port come out, then the back lifts up and out. It would be helpful to buy one of the replacement kits that include some tools if you don't have a decent set of micro screwdrivers laying around.

              Follow this:

              It shouldn't take you more than 5-10 minutes even if you are going slowly. Ifixit also sells some decent battery replacement kits. I have had mixed results with the Amazon batteries, some are bad straight out of the box.
              2016 Chevrolet SS 6M


              • #8
                The iPhone 7 should be out next month if you want to just wait a little longer. I would invest in a USB battery since you'd be able to use that after you upgrade. Either way, like txsr20e said, its pretty easy to change them before the 5.

