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It is freaking hot

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
    Civil Air Patrol. 14 to 18 and I drive them hard which means I drive myself hard. I'm the first senior to get out there and do PT with them, to push all of this out in the field stuff and I remember being able to do it, my body is just reminding me I can't anymore. Still, it's neat having everyone fall in, doing uniform checks and hearing them call cadence as we move.
    Aww hell, now I have to respect you. 😉


    • #17
      I lived in Yuma for 4 years while in the Corps. 120 for 30-40 days was normal, not to mention the radiated heat of the flight line adding more heat index to it. Literally had to wear gloves to climb up and do preflight inspections. Best tine was doing 14 day inspections which included a trip to the wash rack and a big fire hose. Whoever was in charge of rinsing also had to make it rain on everyone. Good times. Drank gallons of water a day while I was there
      Originally posted by soap
      i can fix anything from a broken tractor to an aching pussy!!!


      • #18
        Originally posted by ktm300hater View Post
        I lived in Yuma for 4 years while in the Corps. 120 for 30-40 days was normal, not to mention the radiated heat of the flight line adding more heat index to it. Literally had to wear gloves to climb up and do preflight inspections. Best tine was doing 14 day inspections which included a trip to the wash rack and a big fire hose. Whoever was in charge of rinsing also had to make it rain on everyone. Good times. Drank gallons of water a day while I was there
        The ONLY time I liked doing wash jobs was when I was in the gulf. 7 days while underway, yeah baby!
        "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


        • #19
          I'm in CA this week. Spent most of the week in the central valley, so Fresno, Bakersfield, etc. This week it was in the upper 90s but a few weeks ago when I was in Bakersfield it was 113* at 6pm.

          I pulled into a hotel in Costa Mesa, CA this evening (near Huntington Beach / Newport Beach) and it's 75*. The girl at the front desk said, "Man, it's warm here today..."

          Kinda wanted to choke her.


          • #20
            I feel your pain fellas.

            I just came in to my a/c tent just now and have sweat pouring down my legs into my socks. It is fuckin hot and humid today....just like everyday and this is the cool time of the year in the rainy season.

            When I go to the gym at 4pm here, it is easily over 100* and above 40% humidity. And the gym is all outside with a cammo net for shade. It don't take much to get your sweat on, especially for a fat kid like me.
            Last edited by KBScobravert; 08-05-2016, 04:04 AM.
            Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


            • #21
              Just remember in 2011 it was 108 on this day, damn that was a hot year.


              • #22
                Texas + August = hot , nothing new there


                • #23
                  I mowed last night and was still impressed how thick and green my grass is. As long as we get the intermittent rain, this heat is ok. Brown crunchy grass + heat = no.

                  And just remember folks...we suffer a little during the summer, but at least we don't get feet upon feet of snow during the winter. Yes, some ice...but I've been able to wear short sleeved shirts in January while some poor yankee has to wear 8 layers to live against the windchill


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by IHaveAMustang View Post
                    I mowed last night and was still impressed how thick and green my grass is. As long as we get the intermittent rain, this heat is ok. Brown crunchy grass + heat = no.

                    And just remember folks...we suffer a little during the summer, but at least we don't get feet upon feet of snow during the winter. Yes, some ice...but I've been able to wear short sleeved shirts in January while some poor yankee has to wear 8 layers to live against the windchill
                    Yeah, my Dad moved down from PA and had no idea what I meant about liking some rain and appreciating some snow every so often.

                    He still loves it here compared to the bitter cold and snow though. Sunny 90% of the time is a lot less depressing than clouds/rain/cold all the time.
                    Originally posted by MR EDD
                    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by IHaveAMustang View Post
                      And just remember folks...we suffer a little during the summer, but at least we don't get feet upon feet of snow during the winter. Yes, some ice...but I've been able to wear short sleeved shirts in January while some poor yankee has to wear 8 layers to live against the windchill
                      Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                      Yeah, my Dad moved down from PA and had no idea what I meant about liking some rain and appreciating some snow every so often.

                      He still loves it here compared to the bitter cold and snow though. Sunny 90% of the time is a lot less depressing than clouds/rain/cold all the time.
                      Winters here in the mountains are long, cold, and we get tons of snow, and I love it. It's a million times better than Texas summers.


                      • #26
                        Heat index this morning at 10:30 in my shop.

                        "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by jluv View Post
                          Winters here in the mountains are long, cold, and we get tons of snow, and I love it. It's a million times better than Texas summers.
                          Ya all preferences. He was a builder so that that weather messed with everything for him. Schedules, crews, equipment....etc. He's outside nearly every waking hour, he likes the heat better than the cold.
                          Originally posted by MR EDD
                          U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by jluv View Post
                            Winters here in the mountains are long, cold, and we get tons of snow, and I love it. It's a million times better than Texas summers.
                            I lived in Illinois for 3 long bitter years. I hated the cold, I hated the rude yankees, I hated the snow, and I hated the long drive I had to make to get back "home".

                            Never again.

                            They actually cancelled school once, not because of the snow/ice, but because it was so cold in combination to the windchill that it was a threat to the health of the children even if they were exposed only for a few minutes.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by IHaveAMustang View Post
                              I lived in Illinois for 3 long bitter years. I hated the cold, I hated the rude yankees, I hated the snow, and I hated the long drive I had to make to get back "home".

                              Never again.
                              That sounds miserable. Luckily, we don't have any rude Yankees here in my little CO mountain town. And, I work from home, so no commute. I love the snow and the cold.

                              On the other hand, I despise the heat, hated the long commute and horrible traffic in Texas, encountered way too many morons and assholes down there, etc. Never again is right. I do miss the food in Texas, and family and friends, of course. As it stands, I go back to visit more than I really would like, but I'll be perfectly happy if I never see Texas again from May to September. I'd literally rather live in arctic conditions year-round than have to live through another Texas summer.


                              • #30
                                I just got a reminder to invite people out to Hot August Nights in Sulphur Springs put on by the SS fire department with food and concert and stuff. I'll be out with the kids manning a booth if anyone wants to pop by. I have no idea what's going on as the CO voluntold me for this but I'm told there's a facebook page for details.

                                August 12-13.
                                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

