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Man wielding axe attacked German train. 20ish injured.

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  • Man wielding axe attacked German train. 20ish injured.

    That far north it could only be a Viking.

    Just kidding. It's a Muslim. An "unaccompanied refugee"

    Heeeere's Muhammad! (Peace be upon him. The holiest of Prophets)

  • #2
    Off to get an axe before they're banned.


    • #3
      What a horrible way to die.....


      • #4
        Too bad they shot him. Lock him in a cell for a couple of years. Force feed him bacon everyday, while hardcore gay porn and God Bless America plays on an endless loop in cinema quality surround sound.


        • #5
          Axe, machete, and knifes are favorite with jihadis.

          Quran (5:33) - "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement"

          class joke
          char Forrest, Jenny, Momma, LtDan;
          double Peas, Carrots;
          string MommaAlwaysSaid(const bool AddAnyTime = True)


          • #6
            Yet again the Libtard main stream media reports perp screamed aloha snack bar meaning God is great. You Libtard dumbfucks it means Allah is the Greatest God. Thereby implying anyone worshipping a different God should be hacked up, beheaded, shot or murdered by any means. Allah and the judeo Christian God are not the same mo fos. Satan himself is probably a lot cooler than this Allah dude, or they are the same. I'm undecided.


            • #7
              Prosecutors said the teenager had just learned of a friend’s death in Afghanistan over the weekend. In a Pashto-language note found in his bedroom, he vowed to “take revenge on these infidels,” investigators said.*
              class joke
              char Forrest, Jenny, Momma, LtDan;
              double Peas, Carrots;
              string MommaAlwaysSaid(const bool AddAnyTime = True)

