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7 LEOs down in Baton Rouge

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  • #31
    Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View Post
    That is not a good tactic unless you have 3 or more egress routes. A better tactic would be to call 911 and hangup and to have a shooting position setup a distance from the place the call came from that the responding officers have to drive past. Kill the officer before they get on scene and hide their car. Dispatch would not even have a clue for sometime because the officers never reported arriving at the call. As the shooter you would have to use the tactic that good gamblers use; get your number and walk away without getting greedy or you will get burned. I bet y'all that this style of tactic gets picked up by shooters once they get to observe the aftermath of a few police shootings if the trend of officers getting hunted continues.
    Not too different from the DC shooter. They never got greedy, one or two shots and get out. Took a while before they were caught and that was mainly due to someone realizing the same car was present a several shootings. Lets also not forget that guy who was shooting cops a few years ago who shot one or two, disappeared into the woods and would take one or two shots and disappear again. The tactic has been used successfully before and I am sure it will find popularity soon the way these shootings are suddenly increasing.
    I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

    Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


    • #32
      Originally posted by LS1Goat View Post
      Unreal. I guess I'll go over and sign the white house petition to formally recognize BLM as a terrorist organization. Didn't think much of it at first but, it's becoming blatantly evident that's exactly what they are.

      I already did. White House will never recognize it as that. blacks still think they get mistreated. Everyone does even whites in black areas. I don't cry about it I just don't give them my bizness or live there. I've been discriminated against from blacks a 100 times but who cares. It's just a bunch of bs and I don't doubt Isis is here in America stirring this pot. it hasn't come to my area yet but when it does I will protect myself and my home


      • #33
        Hostage situation at a Burger King in Baltimore. No other details yet.


        • #34
          Originally posted by LS1Goat View Post
          Unreal. I guess I'll go over and sign the white house petition to formally recognize BLM as a terrorist organization. Didn't think much of it at first but, it's becoming blatantly evident that's exactly what they are.

          Here's what the White House thinks about that petition...

          You recently signed a petition asking the Administration to "Formally recognize Black Lives Matter as a terrorist organization."

          In the wake of the tragic recent events in Dallas, Falcon Heights, and Baton Rouge, the President brought together law enforcement officials, civil rights leaders, activists, faith leaders, academics, and state and local elected officials this week to encourage frank conversations about the steps we can take together to build trust and ensure justice for all Americans. As part of these conversations, the President directly addressed the concern that the "Black Lives Matter" slogan, social media movement, and the associated protests are somehow inherently anti-police:

          "I know that there are some who have criticized even the phrase 'black lives matter,' as if the notion is, is that other lives don't matter. And so you get 'all lives matter' or 'blue lives matter.' I understand the point they're trying to make. I think it's important for us to also understand that the phrase 'black lives matter' simply refers to the notion that there's a specific vulnerability for African Americans that needs to be addressed. It's not meant to suggest that other lives don't matter. It's to suggest that other folks aren't experiencing this particular vulnerability.

          "And so we shouldn't get too caught up in this notion that somehow people who are asking for fair treatment are somehow, automatically, anti-police, are trying to only look out for black lives as opposed to others. I think we have to be careful about playing that game, just because that's not obviously what is intended."

          This is a difficult time for our nation and this is a charged debate that stirs deep emotion. Speaking at the memorial service in Dallas earlier in the week, the President emphasized that progress requires, in part, Americans on all sides to “stand in each other’s shoes and look at the world through each other’s eyes.” He added:

          "With an open heart, those protesting for change will guard against reckless language going forward, look at the model set by the five officers we mourn today, acknowledge the progress brought about by the sincere efforts of police departments like this one in Dallas, and embark on the hard but necessary work of negotiation, the pursuit of reconciliation.

          "With an open heart, police departments will acknowledge that, just like the rest of us, they are not perfect; that insisting we do better to root out racial bias is not an attack on cops, but an effort to live up to our highest ideals. And I understand these protests -- I see them, they can be messy. Sometimes they can be hijacked by an irresponsible few. Police can get hurt. Protestors can get hurt. They can be frustrating.

          "But even those who dislike the phrase 'Black Lives Matter,' surely we should be able to hear the pain of Alton Sterling's family … and know that his life mattered to a whole lot of people of all races, of all ages, and that we have to do what we can, without putting officers' lives at risk, but do better to prevent another life like his from being lost.

          "With an open heart, we can worry less about which side has been wronged, and worry more about joining sides to do right. Because the vicious killer of these police officers, they won't be the last person who tries to make us turn on one other. The killer in Orlando wasn't, nor was the killer in Charleston. We know there is evil in this world. That's why we need police departments. But as Americans, we can decide that people like this killer will ultimately fail. They will not drive us apart. We can decide to come together and make our country reflect the good inside us, the hopes and simple dreams we share."

          The White House plays no role in designating domestic terror organizations. The U.S. government does not generate a list of domestic terror organizations, and therefore we are not able to address the formal request of your petition. We encourage you to engage with your community in the ongoing discussion of how we can better build trust and safety in our communities.

          Thank you for your participation in the We the People platform. We'll be back in touch soon.

          -- The We the People Team


          • #35
            I don't think some of these individuals really want what they are asking for (Any group wanting anarchy}. The police officers working in bad areas have saved more lives than people will ever understand. Look at where Officers have backed off policing, murder rates sky rocket. I don't get how anyone can openly protest to kill police and not be taken out by the government. I guess the police are going to have to shut down these rally's when they break the rules a little faster. Either police in this country are going to back off a little and watch the world burn, orrrrr there is going to be a crack down from the federal level to the state levels and people are not going to like it. I don't know what the answer is, but something is going to break and nobody will like it. The media needs to have their ass handed to them for running bull shit news stories and Obama has blood on his hands. I think he is realizing that he fucked up and started to flip a little bit.
            Whos your Daddy?


            • #36
              I'd like to see a case of the Blue flu the next time these blm assholes has a protest. When the general population has to deal with that bullshit, maybe some views will change.


              • #37
                One of the cops that lost their lives today.

                And what he said less than two weeks ago.

                I wonder if this Black Life Mattered to the sorry fucks inciting this bullshit. Sure as fuck didn't matter to the shooters today who shot him 'cause he put on a fucking badge to go to work this morning.

                Is this the kind of man you want dead? Because it's the kind of man that's dead.
                Last edited by sc281; 07-17-2016, 05:22 PM.


                • #38
                  Are y'all allowed to keep hard armor (plate carriers) in your squad cars? Difficult to wear everyday on patrol but may be useful in bad situations like these where you (hopefully) can thow the plate carrier over your current uniform if/when the need arises.

                  Something simple, easy to throw over.

                  But in black, obviously.

                  The PIG BRIG CR Harness allows you to convert your BRIG CR (Chest Rig) smoothly between load carriage for your PIG BRIG Plate Carrier and as a stand-alone Chest Rig.
                  Last edited by sc281; 07-17-2016, 05:05 PM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                    I don't think some of these individuals really want what they are asking for (Any group wanting anarchy}. The police officers working in bad areas have saved more lives than people will ever understand. Look at where Officers have backed off policing, murder rates sky rocket. I don't get how anyone can openly protest to kill police and not be taken out by the government. I guess the police are going to have to shut down these rally's when they break the rules a little faster. Either police in this country are going to back off a little and watch the world burn, orrrrr there is going to be a crack down from the federal level to the state levels and people are not going to like it. I don't know what the answer is, but something is going to break and nobody will like it. The media needs to have their ass handed to them for running bull shit news stories and Obama has blood on his hands. I think he is realizing that he fucked up and started to flip a little bit.
                    Police need to pull out of areas that don't want them and go police areas that respect law and order, and carry on as usual in those areas (while standing up and also policing their own to get rid of the bad ones). A hard crackdown at the state or federal level (ie curfews, martial law, amd full time riot gear) will only piss off more people who used to support them and cause a larger rift in our society. But that is probably what the government wants. Obviously the left has been pushing their agenda and suporting civil unrest, so they will push for it to grow I am sure.
                    I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                    Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by sc281 View Post
                      Are y'all allowed to keep hard armor (plate carriers) in your squad cars? Difficult to wear everyday on patrol but may be useful in bad situations like these where you (hopefully) can thow the plate carrier over your current uniform if/when the need arises.
                      A couple local departments are encouraging it. Lots of good deals for Leo's right now. OSS is one of them
                      2012 GT500


                      • #41
                        BLM's Leader.

                        Must need to do laundry for second trip to the White House in as many weeks.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Cobraman View Post
                          A couple local departments are encouraging it. Lots of good deals for Leo's right now. OSS is one of them
                          Leo discount. Good stuff.

                          Let us know guys.
                          Last edited by sc281; 07-17-2016, 05:40 PM.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Cobraman View Post
                            A couple local departments are encouraging it. Lots of good deals for Leo's right now. OSS is one of them
                            I have a set of Level 4 plates and carrier ordered from them already; better to have it than need it and be without


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by thomasblively View Post
                              I have a set of Level 4 plates and carrier ordered from them already; better to have it than need it and be without
                              Let me know what you think of it
                              2012 GT500


                              • #45
                                Here's the fool (one of them -the dead one) who did this shit today.

                                Goes out of his way to, just a week ago, to tell you that he ain't affiliated with nobody.

                                That although he was a member of the Nation of Islam

                                Although his whole YouTube page is an endorsement of Black Liberation Theology.

                                Although he "used to be" a Muslim.

                                They ain't got nothing to do with it.

                                Gotta give that little fig leaf of plausible deniability to your comrades.

