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White Kid shot by police!

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  • White Kid shot by police!

    Warning: Video is extremely graphic FRESNO, Calif. — Despite demands that he “Show both hands!” and shouts that “You’re going to get shot, man!,” a 19-year-old in Cali…

    Sad but he disobeyed every order they gave him. Now how many of you white people are going to go stand in the streets and maybe kill a few cops over this? The same thing will happen whether your black chinese blue green yellow latino brazilian whatever. When they tell you to put up your hands or whatever fucking do it!!!

  • #2
    Man I got to work tomorrow and then Disney world next week. Rioting will have to wait


    • #3
      Originally posted by david View Post
      man i got to work tomorrow and then disney world next week. Rioting will have to wait
      wlm white lives matter!!!!


      • #4
        Can we get something arranged around 6:45-7? Because after work I need to rake a few leaves, cook some dinner, and feed the dogs. But I don't want to be out too late, I have a few things I'm working on in the shop.
        When the government pays, the government controls.


        • #5
          First world problems.


          • #6
            My plate is kind of full as well, in fact my schedule for the rest of the year is way too busy to attend any protests. I might hire someone to do it for me though.


            • #7
              good shoot

              suicide by cop


              • #8
                LMAO @ Danny & Clayton


                • #9
                  I would have shot his dumb ass too. Fucking idiot.
                  Originally posted by racrguy
                  What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                  Originally posted by racrguy
                  Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                  • #10
                    I don't know police protocol but do they not use tasers anymore? Especially when a weapon can't be seen.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by A+ View Post
                      I don't know police protocol but do they not use teasers anymore? Especially when a weapon can't be seen.
                      Well, if you'll recall from the story, the police were looking for a guy with a rifle, so they had to assume he was pulling the rifle from the gun rack in his pants. Deadly force force: justified.


                      • #12
                        They should have launched a drone on his ass, in that case.


                        • #13
                          I was hoping they would pull out Johnny number 5.


                          • #14
                            I would go shoot some cops in protest but the old personal responsibility and work things tend to take priority. Besides, that cracker deserved what he got.


                            • #15
                              Shots 1 & 2 were fine with me. Shots 3 & 4 are a bit questionable in my book. I don't see the threat with him laying there on his back after being shot twice.

                              And protesting is a minimum wage activity. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat!

