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Bone Marrow

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  • #16
    That's awesome man!
    I lost a cousin to leukemia when she was 7 years old, and this was a long time ago. I still remember seeing her going thru it, horrible.


    • #17
      That's awesome that you have the opportunity to give life. My wife is an RN and used to work in the Baylor bone marrow transplant center. There are lots of very sick people in that place whose only hope to extend their lives is thru a transplant.


      • #18
        Do it, man. You will not regret it.


        • #19
          After reading this thread I decided to start researching this again; I researched it a bit a few years back but that's as far as it went. I'm now to the serious consideration of beginning the registration process. I didn't realize that there is essentially no financial cost to the donor because the patients insurance picks up the tab for both.


          • #20
            Originally posted by thomasblively View Post
            After reading this thread I decided to start researching this again; I researched it a bit a few years back but that's as far as it went. I'm now to the serious consideration of beginning the registration process. I didn't realize that there is essentially no financial cost to the donor because the patients insurance picks up the tab for both.
            I am curious about the cost. How much as the OP had to pay thus far? I do double red donations, platlets and plasma. Why not move on up to Marrow....


            • #21
              Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
              You have to do it. Leukemia is horrific.
     dad's youngest brother got it when he was in his early 40s. He was a hard man...worked almost every day providing for his family. He had saved a nice nest egg for them and paid off the house in 8yrs. He had dealt with symptoms for almost a year before his wife was able to talk him into going to get seen. He was given less than 6mos without treatment, maybe 1yr with...instead of bankrupting the family (he did not have health insurance as he was young and healthy) he got his affairs in order and went and got a hotel and ate a 12Ga slug.

              I'd probably have done the same if I were in his shoes.

